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They landed in Seattle and Ben couldn't help but feel disappointed when all his memories didn't come back as he thought it would.

But when they got to the airport, and he saw his parents welcoming them with relieved smiles on their faces, he was transported into another time.

8-year-old Ben woke up slowly.

His eyes took a few moments before it opened and he yawned, sitting up. Something woke him up, he just didn't know what.

He glanced at the clock beside his bed and he pouted. It was 5 AM. What woke him this early?!

But then he heard it. Music, and loud laughter.

Ben immediately got out of bed to investigate. His room was the closest to the stairs, and he tried his best not to be heard as he tiptoed his way down.

The music grew louder and the part of him that was still half-asleep, scowled. The other part of him was wide awake and curious as the giggles grew louder with every step.

He turned the corner to the kitchen and he grinned at what he saw.

His parents were laughing loudly, sickeningly smitten smiles on their lips. His dad wiggled his eyebrows at his mom as he swayed and snapped his fingers to the lively beat.

"Robert, you're making a fool of yourself," Abigail chuckled.

"It's making you laugh so it can't be that bad, sweetheart." He winked, raising his hands and waving them around the air, which made Abigail snort in laughter.

Robert held his hand out dramatically. "Join me, my love."

She rolled her eyes but accepted his offer, clasping her hand against his. Once their palms touched, he immediately pulled her to his chest and twirled her body away from him, their arms outstretched and their hands still together.

He turned her around in a circle, their hands moving above her head as she spinned.

Abigail yelped as they met together in an embrace. Their lips found each other like magnets and Ben reacted, scrunching his face up. "Ew!" He said loudly, giving away his presence.

His parents pulled apart, both looking ashamed and shocked.

That was the earliest he could remember seeing his parents' love in action and he'd always wanted that for himself. He knew he had that with Miranda on instinct but he didn't remember the lovely little moments.

His heart fell into his stomach at the thought of never remembering but he smiled as he realized that more memories of his childhood surfaced at the sight of his parents.

"Mom, dad!" He engulfed them in a tight hug. He felt as if he hadn't seen them in years.

Abigail had her arms around him instantly. "Oh, my baby boy," she cried, holding him.

Robert didn't say anything, but he patted his back, and Ben knew that the older Warren had tears in his eyes.

"I missed you, guys." He smiled widely.

Miranda appeared next to him, and he turned to see her soft smile. "Robert, Abbie. Good to see you."

His mom moved to hug her daughter-in-law. "Miranda!"

She smiled and put her arms around the older woman. "Hi."

Robert smiled and waved. After their greetings, he asked, "How have you two been? How's your head, son?"

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