Ascension, Part 1

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In the time before the Titans, before the Gods of Olympus, a great battle was waged. The wrath of the Primordials, the very beings who forged the Earth, raged out of control for an eternity.

And from this rage, this madness of war, the Furies were brought forth.

Neither Titan nor God, Mortal nor Shade. The Furies were bound to no one. For they were the guardians of honor. The enforcers of punishment. The bane of traitors.

When Zeus came to power, he found he had little to fear from the sisters. The Furies sought retribution only for those whom they deemed guilty.

The first of these traitors was Aegaeon the Hecatonchires.

When the brute pledged a blood oath to Zeus, only to later betray the King of the Gods, the Furies were quick to take action.

The sisters relentlessly hunted Aegaeon and upon capturing the creature, tortured him without mercy. For the Furies believed death was too kind for this oathbreaker.

Aegaeon the Hecatonchires, became an example to all.

A special symbol for those who might think to break a blood path with a God.

Kratos and Y/n, the great Spartan Generals were finally defeated. Driven mad, tortured and uncertain of their surroundings. The warriors found themselves captured like flies in the web of the Furies.

Kratos: "Never."

Y/n: "Never again."

We open, six months after the betrayal of Ares. Kratos and his younger brother, Y/n, awaken to find themselves chained.

They were kneeling, back to back, on a circular platform. They had collared around their necks with chains holding them down. The Blades of Chaos that were attached to Kratos' arms by chains were locked to walls on either side of Kratos, forcing him to hold his arms out.

Y/n was stripped of his armor and the Blades of the Damned. His arms were held above him by chains that were attached to the ceiling.

The bodies of the brothers were littered with cuts and bruises. They struggled against the chains but it proved useless.

Y/n: "Kratos... where are we?"

Kratos: "I do not know, brother. My mind is clouded, and it is hard to remember."

???: "Hello, boys."

One of the Fury sisters, Megaera, lands in front of Kratos. However, she is missing her right arm.

Megaera: "What's wrong? You seem confused. Having trouble remembering our special time together?"

Megaera strikes Kratos across the face with her hand twice.

Megaera: "But then again, we were rudely interrupted by my sister. Alecto was never one for manners!"

Megaera strikes Kratos again from below and breaks his collar.

Megaera: "Not to worry. I am quite skilled at teaching... respect!"

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