It was even worst when she had go out on the streets of the Isle. People would look at her big round bump and silently judge, Scarlett wouldn't admit it but it made her feel like a monster and a walk of embarrassment and sin, and it would cause her to cry in her room for hours.

It would make Scarlett think she should had taken the poison after all and get rid of the kid she never even wanted. She didn't even tell Harry about the baby either, it not like he would care. Plus she didn't want any of the Hooks to find out.

Especially Hollie, even if they had broken up it would break Hollie if she found out that Scarlett had gotten pregnant by her brother, so she avoided the shop and only went out when she really needed to like to her get her medicine and shop for bigger pants.

One time she had saw Harriet and CJ getting food and Scarlett was a aisle away from them. She forgot all about the shopping list she had to do for her mom and ran out of the story like her life depend on it.

She had no idea what she had just gotten herself into to. Currently Scarlett was inside the house. She was laying on the couch.

Her mother was inside the kitchen making dinner which would be a duck stew with brown rice and yams because Scarlett had to be all healthy and there was certain food she couldn't eat.

Ginny was sitting down next to Scarlett on the floor. She had pop a bag of stale popcorn and her and Scarlett where sharing it even if Ginny didn't want to but there mother told them they had to share, and Ginny grumbled to herself and stayed quiet.

Scarlett put the bowl of popcorn on her bump which was really large but not that large since she was only five months. Her and Ginny watched the static TV at news of Auradon. There was Beast telling everyone about his kids Prince Ben and Princess Beatrice and there coronation that would be happening a couple of months soon.

Ginny huffed with a scowl as she swallowed a popcorn piece. "I would love to wipe the smirk off of Beast's face." Ginny was the one who would always talk about what her plans were gonna be when she made it off of the Isle, Scarlett found it unnecessary due to the fact it was clear the barrier would never come down.

"Ginny, it's something to have plans's ahead for your destruction my dear." as Ginny smirked at there mother. Ginny had piercing gray eyes and similarly frizzy dark hair like their mom. She wore a red dress with stockings  and heeled black booties, she always like to dress that way.

Scarlett on the other hand simply wore her black shorts with a large green shirt, her hair down her back. Her mother always wanted her to dress girly and pretty thank god Scarlett got that from her dad's side of things and chose to dress more edgy while Ginny loved to dress all cute and girly something she had took after there mother.

Scarlett rolled her eyes and sipped a soda from a can. She placed the soda can down as she let out a low burp. "Scarlett !" her mother told her as Scarlett said "It's not the first time I've burp loudly, decides blame it on the pregnancy."

"See mother I told her, the baby making her worst." as Scarlett shoved her. "I did teach you better." as Scarlett huffed. Ginny took a piece of popcorn before she asked "I know I talk about the little one in there, but show us a peek of it in action."

Scarlett narrowed her eyes as her mother came her towards the two. Scarlett took the bowl from her stomach placing it on the table as she lifted her shirt up to show her smooth baby bump as she propped herself up on the couch as Ginny grabbed a flashlight to shine it on her stomach.

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