3-Facetimes and Phone Calls

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For the last two weeks, Tyler and I have been emailing back and forth about some vocal ideas he had for songs that he was currently working on. He would send me clips of the instrumentals and I would sing some things over them with my phone and send it back. That was our one form of communication until one day he did the unexpected

Aye, look. I trust you won't leak my shit so here's my number. Call me nigga!


I typed the number into my phone and pressed the call button. After a few rings, he picked up.

Akeylah: Uh...Hello?

Tyler: So those recordings are fucking trash.

I was taken aback for a second until he spoke again

Tyler: You need some professional tools to record over these beats and send them back. You got anything?

Akeylah: (shrugs) I just got it recently but I'm not sure how to use it just yet. I've just been playing around with it.

I was shrugging as if he could see me

Tyler: Facetime. NOW.

He ended the call and I went into the facetime app and looked up his name then waited. After two rings his face appeared. On the inside, I was absolutely freaking out at the fact that I was face timing THE FUCKING TYLERTHECREATOR. But on the outside, I was looking at him with a small smile

Tyler: Show me your equipment.

I flipped the camera around to show him my MacBook and my mini producer kit with a simple Atom beat pad, Audiobox, and M7 mic. He then began to guide me through what I needed to do in order to record my voice over the beats that he sent. As he was instructing me, I couldn't help but smile at the fact he was teaching me how to do something he had taught himself. He must've noticed because at some point I realized he had stopped speaking and was giving me a blank expression

Tyler: (shrugs) Do you want this lesson or not?

Akeylah: Of course! I'm listening I swear!

He nodded then went back to explaining how everything worked. Later that day I was able to resend him the voice recordings I made and have them actually sound professional. I was proud of myself.

Now THAT sounds better.

Days and then weeks went by with Tyler and I texting and face timing back and forth. Exchanging ideas, and just overall getting to know one another. This nigga really is as goofy as he seems in videos with his friends.

Akeylah: (raises eyebrow) But seriously though...Have you EVER been to a cookout? Like...A BLACK ASF cookout?

Tyler: (rolls eyes) No but it seems like it would be fucking boring anyways.

Akeylah: NO sir! I HAVE to bring you to the next cookout out I go to! Those bitches be iconic asf!

Tyler: What's iconic about smoking, drinking, and being in someone's tiny ass backyard nigga?!

Akeylah: HOLD UP NOW NIGGA! That's when the vibe is fucking crazy! You uncultured swine!

I laughed in the camera as Tyler flipped the bird

Tyler: Whatever nigga. If you have one I'll come just to prove that's fucking it'll be lame.

Akeylah: Okay I'll remember that!

Tyler: Anyways, I need you to come to LA for a couple of days to lay down some vocals.

I raised an eyebrow then looked around the room for a hot minute before he spoke again

Tyler: Hello?! Did you hear what I said?

Akeylah: Yeah...I'm just trying to figure out who you're talking to? Because I, Akeylah was not asked about my availability, if I had transport, i-

Tyler: Nigga you're the only one on the screen! I'm talking to you.

Akeylah: (frowns) Look here you coffee bean head ass, I still have a 9-5 job in case you forgot.

Tyler: (smirks) So I'm cute is what you said?

I rubbed my temples knowing he was playing games while I was serious. I love this dude but he can be fucking annoying

Tyler: (shrugs) But for real I need you here Akeylah. Tell them you died or something.

Akeylah: That doesn't even begin to make sense Tyler. Is that how YOU quit your previous jobs??

Now I was curious. Just HOW crazy is this motherfucker REALLY?

Tyler: Nah I either quit or got fired

Akeylah: Mmkay...Call back when you find some sense nigga.

Tyler: (shouts) WAIT!

Akeylah: (rolls eyes) What nigga?!

Tyler: I'll pay you however much they pay you for this week. Or more. PLEASE come lay these vocals down for me!!

Akeylah: Now you know I can't let you do that. No way!

We both went back and forth on the matter until he pulled a puppy dog-eyed expression and I sighed in defeat and agreed. I guess I'm dead now and going to Cali.

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