2-The Meet Up

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We finally made it into the concert hall and grabbed our seats. We drove an hour and thirty minutes just to get here due to traffic but I was completely elated to be here. We had third-row seats in the center of the place and all I could think about was how close we were to the stage. I was feeling now more than ever thankful that I've kept the same circle for the past two years.

Akeylah: (smirks) I hope you guys are ready to have your entire perspective changed after tonight.

They all either made a sly remark or rolled their eyes at my comment

Michelle: Oh please! Rap music these days don't even be talking about anything and needs closed captions and translators.

We all made random conversation until we could barely hear each other anymore due to more people flooding in. Soon, the lights dimmed and people started cheering all around us and I tried hard to keep my squeals to myself. Everyone lost their shit as Tyler ran onto the stage.


The show was over and people were either heading home, god knows elsewhere, or line for the meet and greet. I don't know how, but somehow we were at the very end and I was fuming, to say the least. Jacob just HAD to get a big gulp on the way here and we ended up waiting for him to go to the restroom and come back for us to join the line as a group. I knew I should've jumped in line by myself. Soon after what felt like HOURS, we were next in line to meet Tyler. I could feel my heart pounding through my chest as I glanced over at him chatting with a fan signing a cd for them.

Akeylah: (whispers/yells) I'm so nervous my palms are sweating and my armpits!

Khadijah: Oh you'll be fine. I thought you LOVED this man.

Khadijah nudged me as we made it to Tyler and Jasper standing off to the side

I immediately froze in place just staring at him and thinking of how so much more attractive he was in person.

Tyler: (waves his hand) Uh...Nigga? Are you there?

Akeylah: (stutters) I...I um.

Mentally I was cursing myself out for looking like a bump on the log in front of this man.

Jacob: Um, today is her birthday and she's just super nervous. She's a huge fan of yours.

He was trying to save me from embarrassment as he sometimes does

Tyler: (smirks) Well it'd be fucking nice to hear that from her mouth. What's your name?

He's known for mocking and poking fun at fans that act all nervous around him. It's fun to mess with them for him.

Akeylah: (laughs nervously) Uh...I think it's Akeylah. Right?

I looked back at my friends and they either nodded or gave a thumbs up

Tyler: (snickers) Happy Muhfucking Birthday I think it's Akeylah!

Jasper joined in snickering as well. I couldn't help but blush as I clutched the gift bag handle for dear life. I had made this painting a while back that I had always dreamed of giving to Tyler. I couldn't even bring myself to hand it to him my nerves were so bad. He eventually glanced down at it then back at me with a smirk before grabbing it

Akeylah: Wait-!

Tyler: (shouts) Ooh let me see what Akeylah got for her birthday!

He pulled the small canvas out of the bag and smiled as he examined the painting

Tyler: Oh damn! This is fucking Sick!

It was him posted up against a rolls Royce with his goofy and playful smile on display. I blushed as he showed it to Jasper then turned back to me

Tyler: Was this supposed to be for me?

Akeylah: (looks down at her shoes) Y-yes. I uh...made it a while ago. I was just going to keep it because I never thought I'd be able to hand it to you in person.

Tyler: Well you're talented as fuck! Thanks!

Jacob: You think that's something! She also sings, plays two instruments, writes, d-BITCH THAT HURT!

I had slapped his chest to get him to stop talking. I was already nervous and here he goes telling my life story!

Tyler: (folds arms) So you just do it all huh? Sing me something.

Akeylah: (rubs hands on her thighs) You mean...N-Now?

Tyler: (stares) Nah nigga. Next year and better make it quick. I have to get going to the next city.

I don't know how or why but somehow hearing that made me suddenly have the courage to open my mouth and do something that was considered sacred amongst very few. I started singing "Start Over" from my favorite Beyonce album 4. In my head I was trying my hardest to make sure every note was right, nothing was pitchy or off-key. I kept singing assuming he would stop me at some point but he never did. When I got to the end of the song, he simply nodded his head. I wish I could read his mind. I needed to know what that meant.

Tyler: (grins) That was fucking great! I could use you for the next album I'm working on. I have some tracks that I need a fucking female on.

I couldn't tell if he was serious or not and I think Jasper somehow sensed that.

Jasper: He's being VERY serious by the way.

Tyler: Here. I want you to email me when you get the chance so we can try and work some shit out. Your voice is fucking amazing and I NEED it for this project.

He took my phone and typed in his email then handed it back to me.

I was utterly lost for words at this point. Not ONLY did I get to meet Tyler on my birthday and he liked my painting but he ALSO wants me to work with him on his next album?! This has got to be the best birthday ever!

Clancy: Tyler it's time to get going.

An elder white man appeared into the room. I assume that's his manager

Tyler: (shouts) Aight. Well, thank you for coming out. You better fucking email me Akeylah! I'll wait!

Him, Jasper, and his manager left the room and I fucking screamed. The security looked over and I immediately straightened up not wanting any problems with them.

Akeylah: (shouts) Thank you guys soooooo much!!

We were now making our way through the parking lot back to the car

Michelle: (rubs temples) Girllll!! We get it! You're grateful! Now shut up!

I laughed her off and wrapped my arms around her neck

Akeylah: Aww I love you too!

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