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1) Favourite Charakter ?

2) Least Favourite Charakter ?

3) Have you Read the Hobbit?

4) Favourite scene?

5) Favourite dwarve?

6) Favourit Wizard?

7) Where would you live in Middle-Earth ?

8) What is your OTP?

9) Favourite Quote ?

10) Fili or Kili?

11) Legolas or Thranduil?

12) Elves or dwarves?

13) What Race would you be?

14) Favourite weapon ?

15) Was there a scene that made you cry?

16) Would you have gone on the Adventure ?

17) Have you watched the Cartoon version?

18) The Hobbit or The Lord of Rings?

19) Do you own ANY Hobbit merchandise?

20) Did you buy The Hobbit on DVD?

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