Chapter eight

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In Mat's Kitchen
"Wow that's really sad " said Matt.
"Yeah, everyone in my time is devastated including myself," said Tim.
"So hat are you saying?" Asked Matt.
"Have you seen Back to the future?" Asked Tim.
"Back to the Future that's your plan" said Matt as if Tim was crazy.
"Yeah what else is there to do:" said Tim.
"You're crazy " said Matt .
"Look dude do you have kids?": Asked Tim .
"Yeah I have a daughter or had her name is Janelle but she died" said Matt, sadly.
"I'm sorry to hear that I also have a daughter her name's Amy she was tys wife in my timeline," said Tim.
"He was married?" Asked Matt
"And had a daughter," said Tim .
"How old is the daughter?" Asked Matt.
"She was three when he died she's four now," Said Tim
"So she doesn't remember him?" Asked Matt.
"She asks about him but if she was standing in front of her I don't think she would immediately jumped into his arms or anything" said Tim.
"Ty would hate that" said Matt. 
"Yeah he would he loved his little girl so much" said Tim .
"Okay I'm in we need to change that time line" said Matt .

In the present

Amy was standing there in awe.
"What just happened? Asked Jack.
" I don't want to get anybody's hopes up but if Tim can can change the timeline we might be able to get Ty back" said Georgie.
The whole family saw a huge smile  slowly creep across Amy's face.
"Please God please let this work out" thought lou.

To be continued...
Written by Kaelyn Halyk

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