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I've been wanting to write a little James Bond story for a while now, like two years now, I've seen a couple others on AO3 and finally decided to just write one. Bond is one of my comfort characters so it was only a matter of time until I wrote age regressor Bond content.

I'll be honest I don't really know where I'm gonna go with this, but it's happening so yeah. Feed back and ideas are always appreciated. I hope you enjoy.

James awoke alone in his bed, not that he had expected any different. It was much too early to be awake. The morning air was still chilled and James had no need to go in this morning. He was on forced medical leave for the next week, due to an injury from his last mission. He wanted nothing more than to stay in bed.

A sharp pain in his side reminded him of why he would be stuck in his home for the coming week. Gunshot. He'd had been shot plenty of times before, but as Q had reminded him he cannot build an immunity to being shot. He was now grounded until he'd had a chance to heal more.

He wouldn't be able to fall asleep again. He knew that. His side hurt far too much.

James felt small. Like he wanted to curl up in a ball and shut out the world. He didn't feel like an adult. And he decided, perhaps today, that wasn't too bad.

"Mummy?" James called out softly.

He knew that there would be no reply, but a small part of him still hoped that Vesper would come rushing in to hold him as she once had. Nothing. No reply came. James truly was alone. He could do it on his own though. It was rare to allow himself such comfort, especially since he had been on his own, but he had managed it a few times before.

James was reluctant to climb out of the bed. It was still cold. The sun hadn't risen to warm the air yet. He was beginning to regret his decision to sleep in his undershirt the night before. James decided that a soft jumper would be much nicer. Even more importantly, warm.

He grabbed the largest jumper he owned from his closet. It didn't hang over his hands, or hang loosely off of his body in the way that made others look so cute in large jumpers. But it was a bit to big, could cover his palms if he pulled the sleeves down all the way and it was just the right size to make him feel safe and warm. The only way James could think to describe it was that it was like he was wearing a warm cuddle.

Feeling contently warm again James trudged sleepily to his kitchen. Trying not to drop any deeper into headspace was it's own struggle, but he could surely manage for a few minutes longer. Just so he had time to do the things he wouldn't be able to once he'd dropped fully.

James pulled out the tea kettle from one of the cabinets. Normally he would prefer coffee to tea, especially in the mornings, but he felt all too small for that. Something about feeling this way lead the coffee to leave a bad taste in his mouth. Perhaps it was the bitterness, perhaps something else.

While the kettle got hot James dug though his cabinets for something he could drink out of once he had fully slipped. He found what he was looking for tucked away in the back of the cupboard. A simple bottle, it wasn't a baby bottle, well not exactly. It was larger, to James' knowledge it was made for adults to work as a baby bottle, but he hadn't been the one to buy it so he wasn't entirely certain if that was it's actual intended purpose.

James set the tea aside to cool and grabbed the pain killers he had been given for the gun shot. He dumped two into his palm and took them dry. It almost made him gag, but he wanted the pain gone sooner rather than later and taking the time to wait for the tea to cool or fill a glass of water was too long of a wait in his mind.

James filled the bottle with tea and brought it back to his bedroom. He climbed back into his bed and grabbed the plush blue blanket that sat at the end. James wrapped the blanket around his shoulders and curled up against the pillows. He slipped the nipple of the bottle into his mouth and turned on his television.

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