Day Four

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The angel doesn’t come to get me today, so I roam around town with Eva, trying to remember every beautiful little detail I’m leaving behind. I pass through a coffee shop door and see Audrey and her group of friends sitting in a booth. I stride up to them, my head held high, and pull a face at the sight of her. 

“Oh my gosh, I heard Dean was with Olivia when she died,” Audrey starts. 

“Who? I’ve never heard of him,” Sharon asks. 

“You know, that quiet guy from calculus who plays too many video games,” Christina says. “He’s kindda cute.” 

“Cute?” Audrey huffs. “He’s far from that. He’s a freak, just like her,” she says, flipping her hair. I stare at them solemnly. 

“Let’s not talk about him,” Sharon decides. I silently thank her. I cannot stand them talking about Dean like that. 

“Right. You guys up for shopping later?” Audrey suggests. 

“Yeah, I’ll pick you up at five.” 

It has always been like this. They eat at this coffee shop, go to school together, then shopping after school, and finally, a party or sleepover. I know this because I’ve done all of it before, with Audrey, back when we were best friends. 

And to be frank, I miss that. 

I continue to follow them, pretending I’m part of them, trying to be them. I follow them in school, then in the mall. 

“Oh gosh, is that Dean?” Christina squeals, pointing at a distance. Dean? Here? 

“Yup,” Audrey smirks. “Let’s go say hi.” 

I gulp, but continue to follow at their heels. 

“How’s it going?” Audrey crosses her arms and tilts her chin towards Dean. He jolts slightly but quickly recollects himself. 

“Audrey,” he nods in acknowledgement. His eyes are bloodshot and he looks very tired. 

“How’s Olivia?” Sharon sneers. 

“Why do you care?” Dean growls, his voice rough and his breaths uneven. I watch him clench his jaw and shoot them a hard look. Christina shrugs and purses her lips together.

“Oh we care, Dean,” Audrey takes a step towards him, her voice filled with distaste, her eyes scornful. “We care how she died. We want to know why.”

“She’s not dead,” Dean hisses.

Audrey snickers. “So she’s in a coma,” she says. “Even better.” 

“Why can’t you just leave her alone?” Dean says quietly, though his voice is firm. “I am so done with you people bullying her. What did she ever did to you?” 

Audrey opens her mouth to say something but Dean cuts her off immediately. 

“You know what? Forget about it. When she wakes up, she’ll be stronger than ever. Just you wait.” And with a huff, he turns his back and walks away from the girls.

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