< The Summoning >

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Naofumi : Man why am i here again? Oh,yeah I wanted to find a new book.The mysterious figure said to himself as he begins to walk through a abandoned and broken down building.

While walking through the building Naofumi wondered if he could find any books in here.he decide to just look around and search.he started useing his improved demon vision,he started searching for any books that may be laying around the place.He looks around and found some old book laying under some old wood and concrete.

He finds the book interesting to read.The white haired demon begins to sit down on the floor turning the first page of the book and starts to read enjoying the fourth book this week since all he does is kill or hang out with his friend.

Once he was done with the first book he put it down right next to himself and went to grab another one,this one was a red covered book with the title “The Four Cardinal Hero's" He was about to open the book when suddenly he felt someone hugging him.He jumped from the suddenly touch.He quickly turned his head around and was met with a pair of familiar eyes.

The pair of eyes belonged to His bestfriend and only friend since he became a demon,Kumo.

The pair of eyes belonged to His bestfriend and only friend since he became a demon,Kumo

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A small blush appeared on Naofumi's face when he saw who's eyes belonged to.

Kumo: ah! Naofumii! I finally found you! why are you in this abandoned building?, She asked him out of curiosity.

Naofumi: I-I was looking for some books to read since killing for entertainment is so boring,The male demon suttered alittle but replied to her question

Kumo:is killing humans boring for you? I mean it is boring...i only do it so i can satisfy my hunger she said with a finger under her chin

Naofumi: why don't you join me? I was going to read this book when you suddenly appeared,so why don't you join me.Naofumi said as he held out the book infront of himself

Kumo: Sure!

Kumo sits next to him and looks at the book Naofumi was holding.Naofumi opens the book they both start reading through the book about the four heros who are summoned to another world where they have to save the world from something called the waves of calamity,the four holy wepons that the heros wield are the sword,the spear,the bow and the shield.Naofumi and kumo are confused since the shield is not a weapon it is more of a armor than a weapon but they continue.

Both begin reading about the sword,spear and bow once they get to the shield he discovered that the pages were blank,confused naofumi starts turning the pages of the book in search for some information about the shield to no Avail.

Naofumi was about to close the book when suddenly the pages of the book started to flip rapidly and also glowed a bright yellow.Naofumi's and kumo's surroundings were spining around and glowing a bright yellow aswell,they both felt that they were falling so kumo hugged Naofumi tightly and getting started getting concerned by the second naofumi on the other end was blushing a bright red and thinking about one thing,kumo,He was not paying attention to anything only blushing and thinking about kumo.

As they fell,both of them landed on a hard surface Naofumiand kumo groaned from the fall it didn't do any damage it was more of a slap in the face or body in there case.Naofumi and kumo were the first to get up.

Summoner #1: The summoning was a succ- one of the men in robes stop himself and looked at Naofumi and Kumo

Summoner #2:Why is there a fifth person in this ritual? There supposed to be four cardinal heros not a five another of the robed man said

Summoner #3:why do they look like that!? A third guy said out loud

Summoner #1:No matter,please O brave heros,please save our world!




Three new voices suddenly appeared.

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