Chapter 20 - Class 1-A

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"I'm not a kid, Togata. You know I can defeat you in under a minute right." Izuku said raising his eyebrow.

"Yeah yeah, I know." Mirio rolled his eyes. "No need to show off."

"Wait, he beat you." Nejire exclaimed. "This first-year student beat the strongest kid in UA in under a minute!!"

"Not exactly under a minute, but I could have if I wanted to." Izuku explained.

"Oh really?" Mirio questioned. "You know what, it doesn't matter. You two need to get to class, your projects from last year are due today and you need to finish them soon."

"Right, Thanks for the reminder Mirio." Nejire said as she gave the boy a hug and then dragged Tamaki to their class.

"Right, so on with the tour, or would you like to see your class first?" Mirio asked.

"Tour first." Ochako exclaimed as Mirio gave them a guided tour of the School, showing them the cafeteria, the washrooms, the different rooms allocated to the different years and courses, the staff room, and the principal's office.

"That's about all in the main building. We also have 5 grounds for training purposes - Ground Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Ground Omega, and the Outdoor grounds. And there is also an area under construction that is about a kilometer from this building that is rumored to be UA's new on-campus dorms for the students but we don't know how true that is." HE explained.

Ochako was amazed by all the places she visited, Izuku on the other hand was as stoic as ever. On the outside. On the inside, he was literally jumping around so much that Namor had to take control over Izuku's body while the others tried to calm Izuku down.

"I should get going to my class, you should too. Homeroom begins in about 15 minutes." He told them. "I'll see you two at lunch?"

"Sure." Izuku answered as he and ochako walked to their class.

Soon coming to a massive door that read 1-A on it, Izuku pushed it open with his telekinesis only to hear the worst possible voices. The Bakugou twins, who were arguing with the blue-haired boy from the entrance exams that interrupted Mic's presentation.

"You two should not sit with your legs on the desks like that." The blue-haired boy shouted. "It's highly disrespectful to the people who made the desk our seniors that sat on them before us."

"And who's going to make us, huh? You?" Katsumi asked.

"Wha- I'm just telling you to put your feet on the ground!" The boy exclaimed.

"Stop being a stick in the mud dude. Seriously, did your junior high put a stick up your ass, or were you born with it?" Katsuki asked him.

The boy took a deep breath. "Look, we got off on the wrong foot here, my name's Ida Tenya, from Somei High."

"Somei, huh. Looks like we got an elitist bitch here for us to crush, sis." He exclaimed as orange explosions crackled from his hands.

Katsumi was about to answer when she noticed Izuku and Ochako at the door. "Oii, the little nerd and his slut passed the exam and ended up in our class instead of Izumi."

Katsuki turned to Izuku and got up, he seemed rather angry. "You fucking pathetic, undeserving asshole!" He shouted. "I'm going to fucking kill you!!!" He jumped up, aiming to hit Izuku with an explosion straight to the face when he stopped moving.

Izuku was staring right at him. "Call Ochako a slut one more time, I dare you." He told him.

"S-sl-slut!" Katsuki stuttered out. Izuku's eyes flared up as the Phoenix shield activated.

"Izuku calm down. As much as I agree with what you're going to do to that little bitch of a person, there's someone outside." Scott warned him. "The chance of you getting expelled on the first day is very high if you continue."

However Izuku was too mad to see Scotts reason and stretched his hand forward as bright yellow energy covered Katsuki.

"Namor, Colossus get him out of the control circle."  Emma shouts as they try to get Izuku out of the circle.

"What is this shit!" Katsuki managed to stutter out between heavy breaths as he felt a strong force crush him. It felt like a bear hug from all might, except All Might was trying to kill him.

"Izuku calm down. NOW!" Ochako shouted, trying to get to Izuku when the yellow energy and Izuku's shield disappeared and Katsuki fell to the ground rather unceremoniously, still breathing heavily.

"Everyone to their seats now!" A voice shouted. The class, that had been watching this 'spectacle' ran to their seats. A man wearing black clothes, with yellow goggles and a greyish scarf around his neck entered the class and walked to the podium in front. "Now that the class is much calmer, you two," The man said pointing to Izuku and Katsuki. "Up and center. You have 10 seconds to explain what happened."

"Male Baku-bitch called Ochako a word that I will not use. I got pissed because it's the second time he and his group have used it for her. I dared him to say it again and as expected, he did just that. And then I sort of lost control of my powers." Izuku explained without a trace of emotion.

Katsuki maintained silence, not wanting to answer.

"Can someone other than the girl in question back what he said?" The man asked. A few people hesitantly raised their hands.

"Alright then, everyone wear your gym uniforms and get outside. Since Mr. Bakugou and Mr. Midoriya-" HE got cut off by Izuku.

"Don't use that name again. It's Izuku Shimura." He said glaring at the teacher.

"- And Mr. Shimura have decided that we're taking the hard road, we'll be having a small test today." He corrected himself and walked out of the class.

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