Part 11

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His eyes were trained on one person and one person only Hope the one that oftenly cloud his judgement and his mind. With each step he took he waited for her to catch him in the act getting closer and to stop him.

Hope: I see you've finally got out of my containment. Landon

And with that said she turn her head so that she was staring right into his eyes. Her eyes were still void of any emotions making her unpredictable.

Hope: Took you long enough

Edges closer to her

Landon: Hope please listen to me whatever your about to do don't I know you still love me why else would I be able to get out of the magical containment of yours

Hope: Maybe your right maybe there's still a part of me that loves you. Maybe I don't have to do what I was planning.

Gets even closer to Hope so there opposite each other

Landon: See I knew you would see things my way. I knew you still loved me. Now why don't you let everyone go and then we can be together like we use to be I promise.

Hope: Sadly for you Landon I'm not going to be a submissive bitch to someone like I was. This isn't a fairy tale where I go running to you the one I love.

Landon: why cant it be ? ........ Tell me .... TELL ME?

Hope: (serious) BECAUSE I LOVE THEM MORE! And by the end of this the girl you love will be dead. I only needed you to get close enough so I could do this.

Her actions were to fast for anyone to comprehend as she snapped his neck.

The shock was evident on all there face never did they think Hope could kill Landon. That's the one thing they thought she wasn't cable of was killing him she loved him at least they thought she did who could she possibly love more than him. There faces held horror of what she had done as the watched her terrified.

Hope: Oh come on really its not like he's going to be dead forever. He'll be back soon and just in time for what comes next.

Hope: God your faces are really starting to irritate me. So Speak your minds

Alaric: how could you do that to him he loves you

Hope: Really did he love me when he was kissing Cleo. Is that what you call love?

Alaric: That was different

Hope: No it wasn't it was betrayal

Alaric: Betrayal now you really sound like your father paranoid leaving death in your wake

Hope: Maybe I do sound like my father after all I am his daughter. I may be paranoid but thats not the only thing I got from him I'm smart like him too with anger to go with it. 

Casts a spell towards the twins 

Hope: Did you really think I wouldn't notice what you were trying to do?

Steps closer to the containment Alaric's locked in looks him dead in the eye.

Hope: No matter how hard you try there is no escape. No magic any of you posses can break through this I made sure of it.

Alaric: But Landon...

Hope: I allowed him too. There's no hope in escape for any of you .Because there is no escape.

As she turned away it seems she was done talking as she made it so they couldn't utter a word again. All they could do now is watch her they knew now that she spoke the truth there was no hope in escaping. So they watched her every movement as she prepared for something bigger than anyone could ever know. But Freya knew but was silenced before she could even utter a word of Hopes plans. This put everyone on edge especially the Mikaelsons because if Freya was right like she usually always was Hope would die all they need to do is wait for an opening to physically stop her they knew there was no talking her down. 

They would save Hope Mikaelsons for there deceased brother that sacrificed himself for his daughter he loved so much Hope. They just knew at this very moment that Klaus himself would be turning in his grave along with Hopes mother Hayley that thought to bring them all together and keep them alive. They owed her this they knew how much each of them loved her. And then there was Elijah the peace keeper Klaus right hand man he would of never had let this happened if he was still here. None of them would they would have kept Hope safe even if it meant risking there lives they loved her with all they had. And Hope loved them back just as much but all the Mikaelsons knew it would take a miracle to stop her but it seemed they were all out of them Hope was there miracle and there hope. 

>>>1 HOUR LATER<<<

It seemed Hope was ready now everything was in place she was ready to cast the biggest and most powerfullest spell of her life that could possible kill her but it was worth every risk to her.

Landon: Hope

Hope moves over to him

Hope: It seems your finally awake took you long enough

As she crouched down with a syringe in her hands.

Hope: Don't worry I just need something from you

As Landon started to panic he tried to move to get away from her but he couldn't move a muscle.

Landon:(voice full with panic) Why cant I move?

Hope: Because I made it so. But don't worry your safe.

Landon: (sarcasm) It sure seems that way

Hope: shhh it wont hurt a bit 

Hope had stuck the needle into his neck taking just a bit of his blood with it as she took it out.

Hope: See it wasn't that bad this will come in use for later but for now I must contain you just like before

Landon was once again stuck in a containment just as Hope wanted. As Hope walked away and step into the pentagram she had prepared for this moment.

She showed no fear of what was to come all they could see was the clear determination in her eyes

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She showed no fear of what was to come all they could see was the clear determination in her eyes. It seemed Freya had finally woken up but when she saw Hope and where she was she started to panic as she threw herself up against the containment trying to escape even though she knew she couldn't get out of this one. The rest of the Mikaelsons sensed the fear coming off of her they knew now that what Freya had spoke will come to past. As they all started running towards it trying to break through but no matter how hard they tried the soon learnt that it was no use. They could not save her from what was to come. Hope Mikaelsons would die.


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