Johnny Cade

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"Hey what's up you guys?" I ask as I walk into the Curtis brothers' house. I went over there all the time, they felt more like family to me than my real family ever did.

"Hey Y/n how are ya?" Ponyboy said as he crabbed a cigarette.

"Don't be smoking these! It'll give you lung cancer and cause other health problems." I said as I ripped it out of his mouth, took it outside, and stomped on it.

"Hey!" Pony said.

"Sorry not sorry." I walked back inside and sat on the couch, where Two-Bit was watching Mickey Mouse. I saw the door open again, and Johnny had come over.

"Hey guys." Johnny had his hands in his pockets and was looking down.

"You alright?" Dally said from the kitchen.

"N-No. Goddamn parents make me feel like I'm nothin. Like I shouldn't be here." Johnny huddled up into a ball in a corner and quietly sobbed. I was heartbroken, he was the sweetest friend I've ever had. Since the other guys didn't know what to do in this type of situation, I got up and sat down next to Johnny.

"Do you want anything to eat? Or drink? Anything that might make you feel better?" I say as I try to calm him down.

"No." Johnny said, his face still buried in between his knees.

"Why don't we play a game?" Sodapop said from the bathroom, where he had just finished doing his hair.

"What game?" Pony asked.

"That closet game we played with Cherry." Dally said, smirking.

"What game is it?" I whisper-asked Johnny.

"I don't really know. I didn't play it last time when they did." Johnny replied. I just smiled and went along with the game too. Until it was my turn.

"Okay so I've gotta explain the rules to both of you. But I'm whispering it in y'all's ears, because it's kinda embarrassing." Pony came to me first and explained the rules.

"You gotta stay seven whole minutes in that closet, and in that amount of time, you have to kiss." Pony said, and my eyes widened. What the fu-

"Okay, in ya go." Pony said as he shoved me and Johnny into a tiny hallway closet and shut the door, making it dark.

"It's dark in here." Johnny said.

"Yeah." I said as I tried looking around for a light. I heard the brothers footsteps fade as they ran away from the small closet.

"Hey!!! Give us a light in here!!!" I screamed as I banged on the door, and heard sniggering outside. "Crap. Well, are you at least feeling better Johnny?"

"Yeah, a bit. It's just that my parents aren't the best, and it gets to me sometimes." Johnny said, his voice cracking a little.

"I know we can't really see, but hug?" I said opening my arms.

"Okay, where are your arms?" Johnny said, and I felt his hand on my arm. "Okay, you're right here." Johnny gave me a hug as he laid down end I ran my hand through his hair.

"Okay. I'm good now." Johnny said as he sat up. "Oh! I have a lighter in my pocket we can use as light."

Johnny whips out a lighter and lights it, bring the luminescent light to our faces.

"Alright I can see you much better now." Johnny smiles, and so do I. Seven minutes was going by real slow. Two more minutes left. Thanks handy watch.

"How much longer in this closet? My claustrophobia is kicking in." Johnny said.

"Two more minutes." I said.

"Alright. Those rules Pony explained are weird. I could never kiss my best friend." Johnny exclaimed.

"Best friend? I thought that was Pony?" I ask confused.

"You both are." Johnny said, and I lit up. 'Too adorable sometimes.'

"Come here you." I said as I ruffled up his hair with my knuckles.

"Cmon lovebirds, time to come out." Pony said, stifling a laugh.

"I would, but there's no door handle on this side." I explained, and Dally opened the door.

"Do anything?" Soda smirked.

"Just talked." I say.

"Boooringggg." The brothers say, and we go back to watching Mickey Mouse and goofing off.

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