(The New Kid )part2

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Next thing I hear a knock on my door
I open my door and it's Jamar
Jamar: Hey bae I came to pick you up from school
Mya:alright I just have to get my backpack and I'm coming
Jamar:Alright I'll be in the car
I grab my backpack and head outside
I get in the car and Jamar drives off to school
We walk in the classroom and the teacher had made an announcement
Teacher: Okay guys we have a new student today
Make sure you all are on your best behavior.
A couple minutes later a darkskin boy came in the class room
Teacher: Oh he's here okay sir introduce yourself to the class
Caleb: My name is Caleb, I'm 17, I like football and yeah
Teacher: okay Caleb you can sit next to Mya
I raised my hand
Teacher: yes mya?
Mya: uh Jamar sits here
Teacher: Oh yeah he does... Jamar let Caleb sit next to Mya
Jamar: But why I was here first
Teacher: Now
Jamar gets up and bumps Caleb's shoulder and sits at the back of the class
Caleb sits down and says
Caleb: You are very pretty
I started to blush a little
Mya: awww thank you. Your not bad yourself
Caleb: well you want to be friends...
Mya: sure why not
I think Jamar heard our conversation because he got up and stormed out of the class
(Fast forward till the end of the day)
I was walking to my locker and Jamar stopped me
Jamar: I don't want you to talk to that Kale nigga no more
Mya: Kale? You mean Caleb
Mya: nigga who the Fuck you think you talking to
Jamar: YOU
Mya: look I dont know what your problem with Caleb is, but what you not finna do is disrespect me so ima need you to take yo 10 to a 2.
Jamar: Mane whatever
Jamar walks away from me
And then I hear someone call my name
???: MYA!
I looked around there was no one there
Then they called my name again
???: MYA
Mya: Bitch who tf— I was deadass about to run cause I was scared asl
But then I see Caleb running up to me
Mya: Oh heyyy Caleb
Caleb: hey! But I got something for you
Caleb pulls out a chain with my name on it
Mya:awwww Caleb thank you it's so cute
Now how the fuck did he get a damn chain that fast. Nigga a magician now?
I took the chain and put it on
Caleb: I'm glad you like it but um would you like to hang out after school
Mya: Sure if I'm not busy
Caleb: Aii bet here's my number
Caleb gives me his number then walks off
To be continued 😭

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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