Chapter 7

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A month later I had finally begun to settle in properly. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I would go down to meet with Bryaxis. His true form was a black and grey scaled wolf, imagine a dragon and a wolf mixed.

He showed me to a cosy seating area where he taught me not only how to wield my powers but where they come from and what they could do if I was ever in a desperate situation.

I had also fallen into life with a family, me and Az made up fairly quickly when he took me flying one afternoon, Mor showed me Rita's and I loved the bar as much as she did. Me and Rhys became so close I learnt all of his little tells. Cassian taught me to fight the days I wasn't with Bryaxis, and Amren became a motherly figure to me.

During my lessons with Bryaxis I learnt that I not only inherited Rhys's darkness but his wings and his daementi powers.

I surprised them all one evening with the wings and Cassian looked beyond exited to see them, I told Rhys about the daementi powers privately first before telling the others.

I decided against learning how to fly for the time being, learning everything else was hard enough as it was.

Life was going well until Amarantha arrived, it set Rhys on edge, and he became distant until one night he announced he was attending a party Under the Mountain, and we were not to come.

Of course we all protested but he didn't budge.

The next day he set off. I let him go an hour ahead of me before telling Amren I was going to follow him. She yelled at me for a further hour about how I wasn't going but I just told her I would be fine and winnowed away.

I cloaked myself in darkness, and from Rhys, as I followed him Under the Mountain, I couldn't have him knowing I was here, but he also couldn't be alone.

I had to watch as my father's powers were ripped from him, he spoke into our minds, binding us to Velaris, but little did he know that he was sealing me out as well.

A few weeks passed before I was found and shoved to my knees before Amarantha, Rhy's horror was so strong I could taste it from here.

"I believe this one belongs to you Rhysand," Amarantha mused.

She laughed when he didn't reply.

"Because I'm in a good mood I will give you a choice, either I make you kill her right here, right now, or she joins in on our little escapades every evening," Amarantha laughed.

'It's ok, whichever one you choose it will be ok,' I whispered into his mind.

"I guess we have a new plaything then," he said with a forced smirk.

"Not so fast dear, don't you need to tell the court who she is to you," the bitch purred at him.

I watched as Rhys froze so I stood.

"Rhysand is my father," I said loudly, clearly, and with enough bite in my voice for no one to question me.

"Do you still want her to be our new plaything?" Amarantha asked him.

'You can say no, I've enjoyed the time I had with you all, it is more than I ever could have asked for,' I whispered once more.

"Yes," he ground out.

"Splendid, then come," Amarantha said, standing from her throne and leading us both from the hall.

I ran into his arms as whispers followed us, but I didn't care.

To say I wasn't terrified would be a lie, I had never done anything like this before, and Rhys knew it.

'I can take away the pain,' he told me softly.

'No, I want to feel it,' I replied as Amarantha watched us both undress.

"You are going to pleasure each other tonight, after all, I wouldn't want to take away from this, special, moment," she sneered.

Rhys lay me gently on the bed, a singe tear running down his face.

'It's ok, I will always love you, you aren't forcing me' I told him as he pushed in a little way.

I couldn't stop my flinch of pain, he was massive, and I was a virgin.

'Please let me take the pain away,' he whispered to me.

'No,' I snapped as he pushed in a little more.

"Faster Rhysand dear, you are taking away from my fun." Amarantha purred.

'Just do it, get it over and done with, you know we are both taking tonics, nothing will come from this.' I told him quickly.

He let out a shuddering breath as he slammed to the hilt. I screamed in agony, arching my back on instinct.

He began rolling his hips as tears streamed down my face, this was torture for both of us, the worst kind of torture possible.

'The quicker you finish the quicker it is over,' I told him, steel in my voice, I would not let him hear my pain.

His pace picked up and he slammed into me over and over, even though I knew he was still holding back because of my pain.

Out of the corner of my eye I watched as Amarantha pleasured herself, the pig.

'It's ok, I love you, I will never stop loving you no matter what you are made to do,' I whispered over and over again.

Eventually the pain seeped away and was replaced with pleasure, he saw the shift in me and stopped holding back. He knew I was right, the quicker he came the quicker it was over.

He trust into me one last time before I felt a new warmth inside of me.

He collapsed on top of me, I knew he wanted to cry, but I told him not to, not until he was alone.

When he drew back, he was covered in my blood, I saw a piece of him break when he saw.

"Throw her in a cell until I have need for her." Amarantha said and an Attor came in, grabbed me, and dragged me out.

I detached myself from my body and slipped into Rhys's mind. I watched as she made him fuck her with my blood still covering him. She was a gross pig.

I was allowed to wash myself off and put on a white shift before being put in a cell. 

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