"He's right, Ana." Eric's voice was quiet but firm as he spoke. He patted the seat next to him and Ana moved, sitting with her thigh touching his own. Eric wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled Ana into his side. "We've been planning this for weeks now. It'll go the way it's supposed to."

"I just..." She stopped and shook her head. "There's too many things that could go wrong."

"And there's a lot of things that could go right." He answered, easily. "Max is right, you need to stop worrying."

Ana didn't reply, instead moving her eyes to the clock on the stove. It was close to eleven now and Jeanine wanted everyone in the compound by six that morning. Eric kissed Ana's shoulder, pulling her out of her thoughts once more.

"Let's try and get some sleep before tomorrow." He suggested.

"I won't be able to sleep tonight." Ana whispered, feeling too wired to even try to sleep now.

"Just try." Eric kissed her shoulder again before moving up to her cheek. "Lying in bed is better than sitting out here and thinking about every worse case scenario."

Ana twisted, meeting Eric's eyes. His lips quirked up at her, but she could see how tired he looked, too. She closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against his own. "Fine."

Eric stood first, grabbing Ana's hand as he did and pulling her up behind him. She shuffled behind the man with her hand tucked in his. The bedroom was dark when they entered and neither bothered to turn the lights on.

Ana dropped Eric's hand to go to her dresser. She pulled out her own pajamas while Eric changed into his own behind her. They changed in silence, each of their minds too occupied.

Eric was already in bed when Ana finished changing. His eyes were closed hands tucked behind his head. Ana crawled in next to him, placing her head under his chin. One of Eric's arms wrapped around her, squeezing her in close.

"I'll wake you up when it's time to go." Eric whispered, lips pressing to Ana's head. "Get some sleep."

Ana closed her eyes, content in the safety on Eric's arms.


She must have fallen asleep at some point because, next thing she knew, Eric was shaking her awake.

He was already dressed in an outfit full of black, his blonde hair slicked back as usual. "You have to get up, Ana. It's almost six."

Ana grunted, her stomach already filling with nerves. She pushed herself up after a moment, rubbing her eyes as she placed her feet on the floor. Eric pressed some clothing into her hands. "Come on."

She dressed quietly into her own black outfit, just shrugging her on her own jacket when Eric offered her a cup of coffee. While she didn't like the taste of the bitter beverage, Ana drank it anyway, hoping that it woke her up a little more.

They were out the door five minutes later, walking down the dim hallways towards the Pit. Max joined them a moment later, the three of them shooting each other knowing looks.

The Pit was already buzzing by the time the three got down there. Jeanine and her team of Erudites were nowhere to be found, instead busying themselves by setting up in Abnegation.

It was up to the leaders of Dauntless to get everyone going.

"Jeanine said she was starting the simulation at six." Max said when they finally gathered together. More leaders came to them, each of them dressed in black leather and each of them sporting various expressions of nerves. "We have five minutes."

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