"Ciao, signor Styles," (hello mr styles) a man said as he lead them to their gondola.

"Ciao gentile signore?" (Hello Kind sir) Harry replied, internally questioning if he was right.

"Kind sir?" Anna questioned, giggling.

"Shhh." He laughed too, before scooping her up into his arms and stepping carefully onto the boat.

"Where are we?" Anna asked, arms stretching out blindly, making the gondolier laugh. Harry sat down and pulled her onto his lap before taking off the blindfold.

"We are somewhere special, doing something you said you've always wanted to do." Harry told her, pulling it away slowly.

When the fabric came away from her eyes, she opened them and immediately absorbed her surroundings. She quickly recognised that she was on a gondola, string lights wrapped around the bar to her left, a basket of things in front of them. The sky was dark but the lights shone brightly, it made tears spring to her eyes for reasons she didn't know.

Anna took a breath, and looked upward to blink the tears away. Then she looked at Harry.

He was watching her, focusing on any micro expressions on her face. Signs of whether it was a good surprise or bad. When she looked at his face, her own crumpled a little and she gave him a teary smile. Both of their minds were back at the conversation they had a while ago.

"So, if you could do any touristy thing while in Italy what would it be?" Anna asked Harry, his fingers creating loose ringlets in her hair as she laid on his chest.

"Ooh, tricky question. I've seen the tower...maybe go on one of those little canal boats?" He answered with a smile, imagining the pair of them on a boat.

"Dio mio! Do you know what looks grande? The gondola rides at nighttime. So private, romantic, peaceful..." she gushed. Little did she know that Harry was making a mental note of this moment.

Their eyes were still locked, but Anna had now clutched his hand.

"Is it o-"


They both spoke at the same time as the boat moved slowly and steadily through the canal.

"You first." He offered. Instead of speaking, Anna cupped his cheek and pressed three long kisses to his lips.

"You are just incredible." She whispered against his lips, their foreheads touching.

"So it was a good surprise then?" He asked, hopeful.

"The best surprise. I can't believe you remembered." She explained and cuddled closer to him.

"Of course I remembered. I've been planning this since you told me." He admitted. If it were possible for hearts to explode, theirs would be in tiny pieces scattered in the gondola right now.

"I almost forgot!" Anna's head shot up off Harry's shoulder and she reached for her bag. She fumbled around for a few seconds, while he sat confused. She pulled out a small jewellery box which made him raise his brows, but then she handed it to him with a mischievous smile.

"Okay, so...I hope you find this as funny as I do. It reminded me of you and your bi...well you'll see. Also it's yellow which reminds me of you, girasole." She shrugged but her cheeks were pink while fighting a smile.

Harry opened the box and immediately covered his face with his large hand while shaking with laughter. What looked like an innocent banana necklace was actually very NSFW.

"Where do you even find something like this?" He asked her when he had stopped laughing

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"Where do you even find something like this?" He asked her when he had stopped laughing.

"Do you like it?" She asked, unable to hide her own laughter.

"I love it." He answered and put it around his neck so it laid just next to his cross necklace.

"I love you." He followed it up and their lips joined once again as they kissed under moonlight, the only other sounds around them being the water moving and light chatter from the town.

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