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As I gazed into the mirror, I look in my reflection. Clad in a stunning black dress, my hair neatly gathered in a bun, I can't help but feel like a different version of myself. The redness in my eyes betrayed the tears I have shed, tears not because of my upcoming marriage to Ammar, but because of Ameera. I cried because I didn't want to share my husband with anyone, fearing that others will see me as a snatcher, a betrayer, and a cheater.

Walking over to the window, I looked outside at the world beyond. It wasn't the picture-perfect scene my eight-year-old self had imagined while daydreaming about weddings. My mind used to conjure up imaginary lists of what my own wedding would be like. Little did I know that I would end up marrying Ammar, my friend's fiancé. It's unimaginable that my parents would choose my life partner for me.

I never anticipated that Ammar will become my fiancé, my soon-to-be husband. But how can I resist him? He's every girl's dream man ,sensible, understanding, and always there to remind me of my beauty when I feel insecure. It feels like I can't ask for anything better.

My parents saw him as the Prince Charming they had hoped for, the one who would slip a glass slipper onto their Cinderella's feet and whisk her away to a land of happily ever afters.

Silently wiping away my tears, I realized how hectic the past few weeks has been. The house is now bustling with preparations for the wedding. Tomorrow will mark the henna party, a joyful celebration to look forward to.

Ammar always checks in on me with his sweet talks and caring nature. I can't help but wonder why girls won't fall for him.

As my phone kept ringing, I can't help but smile as I picked up the call.
"I thought you wouldn't answer," he said.
"Why wouldn't I?," I replied.
"Because you're busy with your hobbies. I hope they're not making you lose weight again. I'll have to ask for my dowry back and tell them to feed you properly," he teased.

I laughed , "What are you up to?"
"Nothing much, just out and about, keeping an eye on the girls roaming the streets," he replied.

Remember, you're getting married soon," I reminded him.

Oops, I forgot. But that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the view, right? Anyways, thanks for the reminder," he joked.

His words made me feel a bit uneasy, but I didn't let it bother me.

That's not cool, you know. Why are guys so shameless? You're about to get married, yet you're still checking out other girls," I scolded.

It's a guy thing, you know. Do you want me to stop? Wait a minute, don't tell me you're already jealous," he teased.
"Why the hell will I be jealous, Ammar? You know what?" I paused.
"What?" he asked.
"Ameera has been calling me, and I don't even know what to do," I confessed.

He chuckled and reassured me, "Don't worry, I did my best to explain everything to her."

I pressed, "And how did she react? What did she say?"
"Should I video call you?" he asked.
"I'm asking you something, Ammar, please," I pleaded.

Should I video call you? I have something to ask."

"Yeah, but promise me you won't comment on my appearance."

"Hmm, I won't mention the color of your clothes, but I might talk about your face."

"Ammar, stop it!"

Just then, his video call came in, and I quickly swiped and answered.

"He's outside their house, watching down the street."

"What are you doing by the window?"

"Oh, nothing, just chilling."

"Meen, we're going to fight! Please, take a look at yourself. Something seems off."

"Ammar, please tell me what Ameera said to you."

"Well, we ended up having an argument. She said something unpleasant, but it doesn't matter."

"Um, I'm going to call her today."

He laughed"Okay, don't forget to share the details with me."

I rolled my eyes, "You're just chilling, Ammar. You're just gaining weight."

"What did you expect me to do? Cry every day like you? I'm not a crybaby. Should I come over to your place?"

"Hey, let's put this love stuff aside. You'll end up saying you don't love him, but the moment he calls, you can't resist," said one of my cousin sisters as she walked in, causing me to immediately end the call.

"Fadila, please stop making a big deal out of it. We're just having a normal conversation."

"Mmm, I can see that. Your cheeks are already red."

"Anyway, someone is here for you."

"Wait, seriously? Yussy is here?"

"No not yussy but some other girls
Led them in please,what should I do if it's Ameera
"I immediately dial his number
Miss me already I knew it
Ammar please stop this rubbish I think Ameera is here.

"He burst into laughter. That's nice," Ameera showed up. What do you want me to do? Start crying like you?

"Please, Ammar, do something now. I can't fight Ameera, and I can't stand there listening to her insulting me.

"He abruptly ended the call, leaving me speechless. I'll definitely deal with him later.

"The door creaked open, confirming my suspicions. She's here with some other girl.

"I swallowed hard, trying to calm myself. Ameera, you're here. It's been a while, huh?

"The look she gave me, man, it made my stomach churn. It's not like I'm scared of her, but I don't want any trouble... Her phone rang, interrupting whatever she's about to say. I don't know what the person on the other end told her, but she seems calm now.

"Did you like my surprise?" she mumbled, trying to hide her jealousy.

"My face twisted in confusion as I stared at her. My phone buzzed with a message, and I saw it's from Ammar. Scaredy cat, everything okay over there?

"I smiled, knowing he's the one who called her. What a pleasant surprise. I gave her a side hug.

"Silence filled the room for a moment before she broke it. Muhammad told me everything that happened. I'm so sorry, Yesmeen. And he told me you both didn't like the idea of the marriage.

"Oh, well, what can we do? Besides, we're both happy about this. I'm going to marry someone I know," I shot back at her.

"Oh, oh yeah, he told me he's doing this for his parents. Besides, his mother doesn't like this. I feel sympathy for you, Yesmeen," she added.

"Oh, well, that doesn't bother me since I won't be living with her. I'll be living my life with someone like Ammar. So, you know..."

I will get going,she mumbled standing up
Ok thanks for the visit I fake smile

"So the moment she left I call Ammar and we just ended up having an argument because I was accusing him for telling Ameera all what's going on with us,but he told me that he isn't not the one and I was like if he's not the one then who's that...I can't trust him..

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