Lost & Found

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Book title: Lost & Found

Username: IwriteScarlet

Cover 8/10

I know you changed the cover so I be only review on the old one not the new, by the way the new one is slightly better than the old one by far it's needs some polishing to do.

Description  10/10

I like the description a lot it's mysterious and it's kept any kpop reader that comes across your book intrigued.

Plot 5 /10

The story has a lot of potential to be good but there are too many grammatical errors I can totally get it if English is not your first language but when you have the time you can re read your book and correct the words that is needed correction and make sure to always use the space button after using the full stop.

Characters 7/10

Y/N and Jimin's chemistry is just great and they're two different people who go though some things that many of us can relate  to.

Cliché scale  4/10

Not a cliché story and it's the type of story which draws me to read.

What to improve?

My suggestion is for you my dear is when you have the to re read your book where you can correct some spelling errors and maybe polish your book a bit.

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