Chapter 15 Hope's Peak Protection

Start from the beginning

We follow Shikan into the recording room where the clip gets played. I recognize the voice the second it starts, It's Mondo.

110 Officer: "110 What's the emergency?"

Mondo: "Um someone- I think someone broke into My house- My Boyfriend's in the bathroom, I- I don't know if he's ok..."

110 Officer: "I'm going to send some police officers."

Mondo: "Ok...         AHHHHH"

110 officer: "What was that?"

Mondo: "my boyfriend... Oh god... Is he Ok?"

110 Officer: "I- It will be ok we have some officers on the way..."

Mondo: "Right... Ohh nononono I don't want to dieeeeee"

110 Officer: "What's Happening?"

Mondo: "They are... trying to unlock the Bedroom Door... Oh no god, they got it Open! Ahh-"

110 Officer: "Hello? Sir? Are you Ok?"

Then the call cut off.

110 Officer: "It may not be related to your case but I thought I might as well bring it up..."

Kyoko: "I think it's related, that was Mondo."

Shikan: "Well then... Should we go to Mondo's house then?"

Kyoko: "Yeah, I want to see these Body's... see if they are part of this case..."

Makoto: "Yeah..."

Kyoko: "Lets go."

We all leave the Police station after being told the Location Me and Makoto go in My Tesla Madel Z.  Shikan follows in his police car.  We arrive at the location and I head into the room, The other Police arrived before us since they left earlier. Makoto and I head into the scene, The scene is the death of Mondo's Boyfriend... Kiyotaka Ishimaru. I head into the room, we Overview the body, I once again notice changes about the cuts, We head up to the bedroom, The scene of Mondo Owada's murder.

Makoto: "Why does it have to be our friends?"

Kyoko: "I don't know."

We go into the room, I look spot for the phone Mondo called 110 on I also saw an Incision on his arm, Most likely the hand's arm he had the phone in It looks like whatever did it thrown...

Makoto: "You know, how we've been using the term... "Hope's Peak Students" as victim predictions?"

Kyoko: "Yes?"

Makoto: "I feel like that's more generalized than I should be, Since they stopped killing Relatives and Friends, after all the relatives and friends of the 78th class, they stopped killing friends and relatives, and moved onto students, I think it's only Students of the 78th class..."

Kyoko: "I think so too. Well done Makoto. Now, Mikans doing an autopsy, Right Ke- Shikan?"

Shikan:" Yes."

Makoto: "Can we leave the room? I knew Mondo Personally and-"

Kyoko: "Yes we can."

We leave the room before Makoto throws up like when he first saw one of these bodies... one of the other Police officers came up to us.

Random Police Officer: "Just wanted to let you know, but SHikan, when we arrived the door was already open and unlocked."

Shikan: "Ah, Ok then Thank you."

Makoto: "Whoever the killer is, must have come through that door, I would suppose, they lock-picked it?"

Kyoko: "Yeah."

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