A Stream to Remember😢

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Tw: Sadness, talk of hating oneself? (more like just thinking you're a burden), abusive parents, swearing. (if there are more tell me i don't want to trigger anyone also if you struggle with any of these I'm always here to talk)

(I am not shipping Tommy in this the only ship is Georgebur. Tommy is a minor and I'm pretty sure he doesn't like to be shipped with other people. I will never ship him or any of the minors of the SMP with anyone.)

(Tommy's POV)

I had just got back from filming a vlog with Wilbur and George. Wilbur took me back since he had to take him and George back to their shared house anyway and my house wasn't too far from where we went. The car ride back was pretty silent considering we were all exhausted.

He dropped me off both him and George saying their goodbye before heading off. Once they were out of sight I headed to the park that was close to my house instead of going inside. I was kinda cold but anything was better than being home so I dealt with it.

Just as I was starting to relax my phone started ringing. I checked the caller only to see that it was my father. I sighed before answering and putting my phone close to my ear. "Where the Hell are you young man you were supposed to be home 30 minutes ago!" I could tell that even if he wasn't exactly yelling he was fucking pissed.

"Sorry we all stopped to pick up lunch on the way and the street we were using was packed so I told them to drop me off there I'll be home in not too long." I replied I hoped he would believe my lie so that if I got punished for it, it wouldn't be as bad. I could hear him sigh angrily on the phone before he told me to hurry up and get home.

I got up from the bench and ran back to my house. I knew my mother wasn't home today because she had work for the next month and would be gone for a while and without her there the punishments were worse.

I got to the door and before I could even unlock it my dad opened it and dragged me inside. He dragged me through the house and to the kitchen and that's where it started for the day.

Timeskip to after that cause I don't wanna write it

A few hours later I was sitting on the toilet seat in the bathroom with the door locked. My dad had left to go to his night shift at work and I was left alone to clean up myself.

I had a thing of antiseptic wipes next to me as well as some bandages. I was carefully working on the cuts on my face since I had already cleaned everything else. These ones were deeper though and they might have glass in them so he had to be extra careful.

I got all of them cleaned and then decided to go to bed. However I forgot that I was supposed to stream with Tubbo that night.


I woke up to my phone ringing. Groaning, I turned to my phone to answer it. "Hello?" My voice was still deep and crackly from sleep. "Where the hell were you last night?! I waited 30 minutes to see if you'd show up and I had to stream by myself."

His voice was angry and hurt. But with that you could tell he really just wanted answers. He sighed "Sorry if I seem mad. It was just annoying."

"Sorry for that I really didn't mean to but something came up." I told Tubbo a few months ago that sometimes things would happen that I couldn't control. He asked for an explanation but I told him that I didn't wanna talk about him and I would tell him at some point.

I heard him sigh again before talking more softly this time. "Tommy I hate to say it but I need to know what's going on. It would probably benefit the both of us "

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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