Chapter 66 - #The Most Blunt Way to Inform a Person That You're Dating Someone

Start from the beginning

JoJo stood there. "Davey's mom made cookies for us." He informs them.

(A/N, change it to Cookie Cake and instead of Davey's mom it'd be Mike's mom and JoJo is suddenly Mike Faist lol.)

"Ooh! Cookies!" Race and Finch exclaim in unison.

The three boys laugh.

Finch and Race get up and the three boys quickly go inside.

A little later

Smalls was in the middle of a game of cards with most of the Manhattan Newsies when she looked up and realized something. Her eyes widen. "Race!" She exclaims.

The blonde-haired boy looks up from his cards, confused. "What?"

"It's dark!" Smalls exclaims, looking panicked as she quickly gets up.

Race's eyes widen. He quickly gets up.

"What's with dark?" Romeo asks, looking confused.

"We said we'd be back by dark." Race informs him, quickly grabbing his flannel and hat.

Smalls was racing to put her shoes on.

After a lot of hugs (and I mean a lot), Smalls and Race were quickly out the door and running down the streets of Manhattan to Brooklyn.

"Spot's gonna be so mad at us." Smalls says as they run.

Race nods, looking scared for his life.

And he was.

(A/N, in case anyone is wondering, Ace, Bush, and Rags left earlier because Bush was getting tired.)

In Brooklyn

Spade chuckles when he sees Smalls and Race running towards him. "Spot's really mad at you two." He informs them.

"Thanks for the update, Spade." Smalls grumbles. "You think we didn't already know that?" She smacks him with her hat as she passes.

Spade, Rock, and Catch chuckle as they watch them.

Smalls and Race run down the dock, stopping in their tracks when they see a mad looking Spot pacing in front of his crate throne.

Ace, Hotshot, and Cloth stood behind him.

Slightly amused, Ace shakes his head when he sees them.

Cloth looked like a disapproving mother.

Hotshot was really amused and smirking.

"Sorry-" Smalls starts, immediately going to explain.

She was cut off by Spot going on a rant. "I let you go to Manhattan, I trusted you to be back here on time, and I didn't even get mad when the spies that I sent to make sure you were safe came back without you, but then, it's past dark and you don't come back?!" He exclaims, looking angry.

Race stays silent.

"I'm sorry!" Smalls responds. "We forgot!" She tells him. "We didn't try to!" She defends herself.

"You clearly didn't try hard enough not to!" Spot responds, still looking angry. "If you two weren't from different boroughs and if Race- and technically you, Smalls- weren't already allowed to leave your borough alone, I'd ground both of you." He states.

Smalls rolls her eyes.

"At least they're safe." Cloth speaks up from behind Spot.

Spot rolls his eyes. "Yeah," he grumbles. "At least you two are safe, but Race isn't leaving this borough again and Smalls, you aren't allowed to take him out of the borough without me for at least a year." He tells her.

Smalls rolls her eyes again.

Race had probably seen this coming, and was slightly annoyed, but he didn't leave the borough much anyways, so it wasn't that different.

"Smalls, you're sleeping here tonight, go upstairs." Spot tells her.

Smalls nods, trying to avoid further confrontation, and head inside the Lodge.

"Race," Spot turns to face him, looking into his blue eyes. "You're sleeping with me." He tells him. "I need cuddles if I'm gonna forgive you." He mutters, still looking annoyed.

Ace and Hotshot share smirks.

Cloth's arms were crossed and he was smirking.

Race nods; he never minded cuddles.

Spot grabs his wrist and starts dragging him upstairs, still grumbling on about being worried for his and Smalls' safety.

And in that moment, Race had never felt more loved.

1476 Words
What did we think of this weeks chapters? I loved them lol.

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