Chapter 1 Close Call With Death Before School

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Realizing he was on them, Monkey moved off and rolled to the side. Once he was no longer on them, Y/N was able to finally breathe properly. Gasping out before sighing, she turned her head and shot a mock glare at her friend before saying, "Next time you jump off a tree and fall, I'm not catching your heavy body!" Monkey only laughed, relieved his friend was alright before he suddenly looked to his closed hand and remembered the reason he fell.

Y/N watched as Monkey smiled down at his hand, opening it he asked, "Are you okay my friend?" However the sight of the crushed butterfly caused both friends to frown. From beside them a voice stated, "It's dead." Heading those words caused Monkey to spring up while Y/N followed slower. Pointing at the man, Monkey exclaimed, "You are not it. How do you know its dead?"

The man looked at him before replying with, "You are not me. How do you know I don't know it's dead?" At his answer Monkey sniffed the insect before turning back and somberly saying, "I don't want it to die." Y/N frowned as she and Monkey both looked back at the dead insect. The man beside them suddenly blew out air; the two friends stared in shock as the insect came back to life before their very eyes.

Looking back at the man, both friends exclaimed shouts of glee at the flying butterfly. Their heads switching back and forth from the man and the bug. Their excitement brought a smile to the man's face. Y/N watched as Monkey offered a fruit to the man, asking, "Teach me!" The man took the fruit, tossing it before catching it and asking, "You really want to learn?" Monkey nodded before stating, "You are awesome!" The man said, "You will have to go with me."

Monkey grew excited before his tail dropped, Y/N watched him turn to her and look at her before saying, "But what about my friend?" Y/N smiled before hitting Monkey on the chest, laughing she said, "Silly Monkey! Don't worry about me! Go! Learn everything there is so you can come back and tell me all about it!" Y/N smiled at her friend before Monkey swept her into a hug and began bouncing up and down. He yelled, "I will! I will! I will! I promise!" Y/N laughed as he let her go; turning to the man Monkey excitedly said, "I'm ready!" The man smiled before summoning a giant crane; both got on, Monkey was facing the others as the bird took up and high into the sky.

Y/N smiled at her waving friend as he yelled out, "Hey! I'm leaving! I'm going to school. Be back soon." As they flew higher and higher their images became smaller and smaller before they disappeared through the clouds. The young monkey knew that she wouldn't waste the time spent apart, if Monkey was going to be training then she would as well. Confident in her thoughts, the young female set out to climb. The only thing on her mind was to get strong like Monkey.

——————Meanwhile with Monkey—————-

       The crane flys around a massive rock structure, in the center a waterfall cascades down. Monkey shouts, "Faster. Can we fly faster?" Before long both had landed and were gathered in a circle with the other Tri Star Cave students. The man, now Monkey's master, was sat at the front; there he stated, "In our clan 12 names are used in rotation for new students. You are the most junior in the 10th generation." While he was talking, Monkey lounged on his back, picking at his feet, no care in the world. Finding something stuck, Monkey picked it out before eating it and giggling. His master muttered, "Well...", the female students smiled at the innocent actions Monkey made. Continuing his statement, "You will need a name here."

     Looking at Monkey and pointing, the master stated, "I have an idea. From now on, Sun Wukong." At the words said, the newly named Sun Wukong, jumped up exclaiming, "Sun Wukong!" Racing towards his master, Sun performed various twists and turns, causing his tail to hit some unfortunate bystanders in the face. Reaching his new master, Sun excitedly stated, "My name is Sun Wukong!" Seeing his tail caused a student to fall over, Sun hid behind his hand before looking around and jumping in front of his master. Face to face, Sun asked, "Wukong?" Nodding his head, master replied, "Yes. Wukong." His answer cause Sun to gasp happily before taking the pin to his masters hair ornament. His actions caused another student to accuse, "How dare you!!"

Sun Wukong x Reader The Monkey King: Havoc In Heaven's Palaceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن