'The attack on Heaven's Palace was a major offense. The Jade Emperor could not let the Demon King get away with it. He banished all demons to the Flaming Mountain. Never to be allowed in Heaven. If any demon offends Heaven again, the whole demon tribe will be destroyed.'

   The scene changed to the Flaming Mountains as the two lovers gazed around them at their new home.

     The destruction of Heaven's Palace was great and devastating. A shining blue deity appeared as she took in the damage.

    'Goddess Nuwa saw Heaven's Palace laying in ruin, an unthinkable disaster. She sacrificed herself. Turning her body into thousands of crystals she mended the war ravaged palace. She then used her crystals to make the Southern Heavenly Gate so strong no demons could enter.'

    The Jade Emperor kneeled down as he watched the Goddess sacrifice herself for them. Behind him, the other heavenly deities and soldiers followed his actions. The entire palace was fixed before them in record time. However, they all somberly watched as Nuwa's body fractured in blinding light. From that light a forcefield surrounded the entirety of Heaven's Palace. And yet, from one structure, a lone crystal dropped down. Falling through the sky, it crashed into a mountain far away. There, nestled between the rocks, the crystal laid, while a miraculous thing happened inside.

       A single droplet caused an explosion of life. The droplet took root before sprouting out and forming shapes. A tiny hand, followed by another, then a body with legs and a tail, before a small head. From that droplet, there was life.

————————-Small Time skip———————-

      Our scene starts on the forest floor, as two young beings frolic and play. One was a small white fox, and the other was a young monkey. Both were chasing after a butterfly innocently while another young monkey watched from afar. Behind a clear wall the monkey observed the two make their way up to the crystal. The fox came first while the other monkey followed. Both came up to the crystal wall and investigated the area.

     The fox sniffed the roots surrounding it while the young chimp tapped the glass. On the other side the crystal monkey blinked in wonder over what these were doing before making eye contact with the little fox. Staring at each other, the monkey tore his gaze away to shift to the other monkey. Finding them already looking at him, he placed his hand on the wall.

    Seeing what he was doing the other monkey titled their head before placing theirs over his. Turning his head to the fox he placed his other hand on the wall. On the other side the fox raised a paw to meet his hand. All three watched in wonder before the crystal began glowing brightly. Before the two monkeys could react, the little fox was sent flying away from them before a dark tendril caught them and carried them off.

       Both monkeys were shocked before the monkey inside the crystal pounded against the wall crying out. Startled, the other monkey turned back to him before calmly placing their hands on the wall. Trying their best to convey that they were still there with him. Their actions seemed to work as the monkey stopped his pounding and focused on them.

This interaction would continue for a small period of time over the next coming weeks; where the monkey in the crystal would wait for the other monkey to visit and show off different objects. Each visit was more fun than the last.

————————-Small Time Skip———————-

      Our scene changes to a rocky cliff ledge with a tree and a waterfall on it. There on the ledge a man rode to greet the sudden visitor, he bowed before saying, "Holy Goddess Guanyin, what brings you to the Tri Star Caves?" The Goddess answers with, "I come here for a divine monkey. He was born of Princess Nuwa's crystals; if he is taught and trained properly he could bring great virtues to mankind."

     The man counts on his hand before stating, "But this monkey was born with both virtue and vice in him." The Goddess answered with, "Then you should teach him patiently and turn him into a virtuous being; there is also one who's soul is intertwined with his. They alone will aid in his journey." The man asks, "And where do I find this divine monkey? And the other being?" The Goddess turns before reaching out and grasping a light saying, "Mount Huaguo the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit." She lets the light go before it races away.


     Our scene goes back to the familiar mountains where the two monkeys met. There a bright light forms before exploding out. The explosion causes a form to fly upward, yelling out in excitement before landing on the mountaintop. There was the crystal monkey, now older and more developed, but still young and carefree.

————————-End of Prologue———————-

A/N heheheheheheh! Here we are lovely's! What will the future hold for us? Find out in Chapter one! See you all next chapter!

Sun Wukong x Reader The Monkey King: Havoc In Heaven's Palaceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن