Just One Hug

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Jade looked in the mirror, her blue eyes stared in the reflection. She sighed deeply, and adjusted the clasp of her favorite necklace. Although Jade would never admit it, the necklace was special to her, it was a gift from Tori. She had worn it pretty often, but she excused it because it went well with her outfits.

"Are you ready for rehearsal?" Cat, the perky redhead squealed, interrupting Jade's thoughts.
Jade rolled her eyes. "Sure, whatever." She replied, in a monotone voice. She turned away from the mirror and watched as Cat skipped down the school hallway contently. Jade followed behind her, sluggishly per usual. Her doc martens clunked loudly against the hallway floor, filling the silence in the hallway.

The classroom door swung as they walked in, Jade immediately spotted Tori Vega, standing in the front of the room, observing the rest of the class. Tori smiled quickly at Jade, like she always had, before walking to her usually seat. Despite Tori's positivity, Jade rolled her eyes back at her and sat down in a chair, in the back of the room.

"Time for rehearsal!" Sikowitz, began. Sikowitz was nuts, but he was still Jade's favorite teacher. She chose to do an after school play for extra credit in his class, although it was probably the dumbest play Jade had ever been in. She didn't mind, she did anything for extra credit.

"Today we're working on the big apology scene!" Sikowitz stated. He took a big sip from his coconut.

The crabby raven haired girl groaned and leaned her head back in her chair, letting her hair flow down. "Why this scene?" She mumble to herself.

In the scene, Jade's character became good friends with André and Tori's characters. Jade of course, was not very thrilled by that. Maybe it was because every time they rehearsed, André messed up his lines, or maybe it was the fact that she had to act so sickeningly sweet to everyone. Either way, it wasn't fun.

Tori, however was very pleased, especially if it meant being friends with Jade. At least getting to act as if they were friends, would be kinda fun, even if Jade hated it.

"So during this scene, I want lots emotions, apologizing isn't always easy." Sikowitz pointed out. "Now begin reading your scripts."

As she read her lines, Jade tried her best to act sincere. She focused as much as she could, reading each line and putting effort into it, as a professional actress would. She ignored Andrés occasional mess ups and Tori's loud perky voice.

"I want you two to hug in the scene" Sikowitz said loudly, interrupting the scene and pointing at André and Jade.

That caught Jade off guard. Her posture stiffened. She felt everyone's eyes staring at her, as if they could see right through her and into her brain. Everyone knew hugging wasn't Jade's thing. She didn't mind it, but she preferred not to touch anyone and not to have anyone touch her.

André however seemed cool with it, as always. "Are we gonna hug or not?" He asked, his arms out, waiting for Jade to hug him.

"I don't want to." Jade replied, she avoided Andre's eye contact. She stood, frozen in place. She wouldn't usually act like this, but today just felt different. The usual anger that flowed through Jades body was somehow higher, and more prominent.

Sikowitz mumbled something inaudible and rolled his eyes at Jade. "Just do it." He huffed.

Jade rolled her eyes once again.

"Would you rather hug Tori's character instead?" Sikowitz asked Jade, "I know you two hug pretty often."

Jade shot a glare at him. He was right, Tori and Jade have hugged multiple times. For some reason, Jade didn't mind hugging her. But of course, she would never admit to that either. Jade felt her face turning pink with embarrassment. Why did he have to bring up Tori? He couldn't have brought up her boyfriend? Well, ex boyfriend. Or at least Cat? She used to hug Cat all the time before she went nuts.

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