The Alchemist

182 10 0

 Word count: 2082

Chapter warnings: Mild language, themes


By the time she'd even realized what completely was going on, the man had already pushed her out the door, shutting it behind her. Once it dawned on her the danger Chan was in, she spun to open the door again- it was locked. Beating on it, she yelled, demanding to be let back in, but she didn't so much as hear a peep from the other side. The metal must have been designed to be soundproof. Worse than the man not hearing her, though, was the fact that she couldn't hear Chan.

They'd fallen in through that hole in the ground- she could get back in through there. It was one hell of a drop, but she'd survived it once. Granted, she'd been in a vehicle, but she didn't really have much of a choice. Running up the stairs that she was admittedly surprised were there (the man didn't seem like that honest a person) she made it to the surface. Running back towards the spot they'd fallen, she felt the panic set in again. It was gone, closed, covered up.

Kneeling on the ground, she started pawing at the dirt, trying to force her way in. Sure enough, there was metal beneath, but no way for her to break through. Unable to hold herself back, she crumpled into the dirt, bursting out into tears. It wasn't silent crying, though, but rather a temper-tantrum fit for a toddler.

"You fucking promised me!" She screamed, punching the ground, not even feeling the bruises it was leaving on her knuckles. "You promised we could go in together, you promised," She sobbed. "You selfish fucking bitch! You tell me you love me knowing you're going to lie to me? Some fucking friend!" She felt blood dripping from her hand, but she couldn't care less. Soon, her kneeling turned to just laying, a thin layer of dirt and dust clinging to her skin in the wake of her tears. She was running out of energy to cry, left only with her sniffling and hiccups, no tissues to wipe her face with.

She wasn't sure when she'd fallen asleep, but she wished she would have woken up to see that it was another bad dream. Instead, what she got was a wet, smelly sensation on her face. She put her hands up, pushing it away, but as she opened her eyes, she just barely made out a blur of grey fur and a large pink tongue.

"Y/N!" A voice called, running up to her. "Oh my God, Wolf, get off of her-" Jeongin. How had he found her? And was he alone? Where was she? Why was she- oh. She remembered why she had fallen asleep on the ground in the first place, heart breaking all over again.

"Just leave me here." She shut her eyes again as the dog was lifted off of her. "I just want to die. Leave me here to die."

"What...?" She heard another voice ask, shaky and confused. So, Changbin was here, too. They were probably all here. "What's wrong with you?"

"Chan's gone." She said, voice cracking, "I just want to go, too. Please." Tears were falling from her eyes again.

"Chan's...?" Changbin looked to Jeongin, but he had no idea what was going on, either.

"Y/N?" Jeongin said softly, shaking her shoulder. "Y/N." After the second time, she opened her eyes a sliver. Maybe if she complied just a little, he'd go away. That notion was quickly shocked out of her as he slapped her dead across the face, nearly causing her neck to twist all the way to the side. Sitting up, she blinked hard, not sure whether to be angry or impressed.

"Hey, what the hell man?!" Changbin pulled the boy backwards, away from her. "Don't hit her!"

"Who do you think you are, caring about Chan and then lying here to die?" Jeongin snapped at her. "I don't know much about him, but I do know that he'd do anything for you. I haven't been tiptoeing around him for a whole week just for you to give up now."

Sad Birds Still Sing (Bang Chan x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora