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A/N: If anyone knows the artists of any fanart I put in this fanfic, please lmk! I want to credit them but it's really difficult to try and find the artists :(

TW'S: Slight Swearing


Ranboo's POV

I woke up to my blaring alarm. I attempted to shut it off by smacking the black button on the top, but that just made it louder."How would hitting the clock make it louder?!?" I thought to myself.
Right as I had that thought, my mother walked in. "Dear, you've got to wake up. We are heading down to the village today." She then walked over and shut off my alarm.
I groaned then replied, half awake, "Just five more minutes" before shutting my eyes, and drifting back asleep.

Next thing I knew, I was woken up by my angry mother, "Ranboo! It's already 10am you should be ready by now!" She shouted.
I sat up quickly and rubbed my eyes, "It's already 10am?" Before getting up from my bed quickly, grabbing a white button up, a black vest, and some fancy black jeans my mother bought me one time we were at the saturday market. My mother walked out of the room, and I got changed quickly before running down the stairs. I had almost tripped, but I caught myself. When I got downstairs I saw both of my parents standing there waiting for me. "Ah you're finally ready!" My father said.
"Mhm!" I shouted excitedly before running out the door and skipping down to the village.

(A/N: We are going to ignore that Ranboo has not had breakfast)

I was excited to go to the village since we only went once every two months due to my mother being worried for my safety. As we were walking up to the center of the village I spotted a large crowd. As we walked up to the crowd, my mother asked "What is this for?"
As they separated and made an opening, I saw them. The king and queen of Crowview, and his children.

Tommy POV

As the crowd separated. I saw them. The ones my father was talking about. I first noticed the kid, who looked freakishly tall. I looked over at tubbo and whispered, "Who the fuck is that tall."
He whispered back, "Probably the kid that father has been talking about."
I then looked back at the family of three as they walked over to Phil. "We mean no harm. We have come over to ask if we could have dinner and discuss the rapid decrease of your civilian's." Phil said.
I looked at the supposedly king and queen of Enderridge and they both had a worried expression on their face "We will accept, but if you try to pull anything we will hold a grudge for the rest of time" The queen responded. I noticed she sounded kind of irritated.
Phil nodded and all of us walked in a group as the king and queen led us up to the castle. As we walked into the castle, I looked around and noticed it wasn't as nearly as nice as our castle back home. There were cracks in the stone, and the wooden gate looked like it was on the verge of collapsing.

Tubbo POV

As everyone settled down I looked over at the tall kid. He looked about my age. Maybe a little older. As soon as he looked over and noticed me staring, I quickly looked away. When the food eventually arrived I only ate a few bites before saying, "Could I go outside? I'm already full."
Phil looked over at me and pointed to Ranboo and Tommy as he said, "Sure, but take them with you as they are already done." I then saw Ranboo and Tommy look at each other, then get up and walk out the door. I followed them. As we got outside we walked to the small courtyard on the right of the castle and sat down. There were a few bushes, most of them were dead. It was also dark out so there were some stars out. I stared at them for a little bit before Ranboo's voice brought me back to reality. "So." He said stretching out the o. "We could all go in a circle and tell each other facts about ourselves?"
"That's so fucking boring. Could we go into that forest?" Tommy said while pointing to the forest right outside of the gate.
"Only for a few minutes. I don't want to get in trouble.." Ranboo said. He had a worried expression on his face.
Tommy then replied with, "I'm fine with that. Tubbo how about you?" And looked over at the me
"Fine. Only for a few minutes though" I replied.

We started walking down the path in the forest until it started to get darker. Ranboo blurted out, "Guys I think we should head back."
"Dont be such a baby. It's not that dark out we can walk for a few more m-" Tommy said before I interrupted him
"Yeah I think a few more minutes is fine" As I looked over and smiled at Ranboo reassuringly.
"Alright." Ranboo muttered.
We walked for a couple more minutes until it was almost pitch black. "Uhm. Does anyone know which way we came from?" I asked, looking around and noticing that we couldn't see the path anymore."
"Yeah that way." Tommy replied, pointing south.
He sounded confident so we started heading in that direction as it became pitch black.
"Guys maybe we should just sleep and tell our parents tomorrow morning that we got lost. I don't think we can head back when it's this dark." I said
"Yeah that might be the best option" Ranboo replied, as we walked towards a cave that we had seen earlier, and laid down to sleep.


Conclusion: Ranboo meets Tubbo and Tommy. They go exploring and get lost in a forest. They then find a cave to sleep in for the night.

A/N: Hello! Ty for reading this chapter! I am hoping to post at least one chapter a week. Please comment any feedback you have! Since this is my first book I want to know how to make it better! :)

P.s if there are any spelling mistakes please comment so I can correct it.

Solider, Poet, King.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant