Chapter 15

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Kira POV:

The first thing I noticed was the feeling of the cold concrete beneath me. The second was the feeling of metal around my wrists and the rattle of chains as I tried to move my limbs. "Well will you look at that," at the voice I opened my eyes and immediately tried to jerk away as a familiar figure filled my vision. "Took you long enough."

"Tera?" I croaked through what felt like a mouthful of cotton.

"The one and only, Darling," The black haired girl chuckle maniacally. "Aw don't look so scared Baby," she cooed, cupping my cheek. "I won't hurt no, not when I finally have you back."

"You're fucking insane," I growled. "The other won't let you get away with this."

Her smile disappears at my words. "Oh well," Tera said as she stood up and walked over to the table on the other side of the dimly lit concrete room we were in. "By the time anyone gets here it will be too late." She begins messing around with something on the table. I tried to see what she was doing, but couldn't get a clear look until she turned back around, a pistol held loosely in her right hand.

"You know, I thought this time would be different," Tera began laughing again, walking back towards me. "I thought that the Gods gave me a second chance and led you back to me." She stopped right in front of me and crouched down, no longer laughing, "But you forgot all about me, you chose those two sluts over me and you forgot about us! That's on me though I should have made sure you were dead last time." She stood back up, raising the gun, "I won't make that mistake this time."

A breath....


Safety's off...

The hammer falls..


Blood splatters on concrete.


I open my eyes, not knowing when I closed them. I see Tera's body fall, her expression looking as surprised as I was with the bullet hole between her eyes. Behind her stands my savior, smoking gun still in hand, a grim look on her face. "Shadow." Tears of relief gather in my eyes as the still room suddenly explodes with movement. Toby and Silver rush to hold me as Zayn approaches to remove my restraints. Everything is a blur as I'm freed and taken out of that place. When I can finally pay attention to my surroundings, I'm already back at the house with a IV in my arm surrounded by my friends. Surrounded by my Family. I'm finally Home....

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