Chapter 24

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I was playing with a bouncy ball in the arcade. Omega was beating uncle Tech at Dejarik. Wrecker is laughing really hard at him. He seems to be almost blowing a fuse though. He also seems very tired. Omega had on a smile as she kills his last monster. He groans and lays his head on the table. I giggled and bounced my ball some more. I eventually bounced it so hard it bounced right into someone. It made them shake a bit but they rebalanced. Looking closer I see it was a man. Wait a second... Jack?! It's the bounty hunter. He smiles to me and puts a finger to his face in a shooshing motion. I nod and giggle. He smiles more but goes back to what he was doing, which was flirting with some way older girls. Well way older than me. They look like adults.

They giggle and I smile. One day I wanna be that happy. I look to the hallway as Cid walks in. Daddy walks to her. "Got us another job?" She sighs. "Or course I do! Why else would I be here?" She asked with attitude. She handed him a chip of some sort. "All the information is on there. Look into it when no one with prying ears are around." Daddy nods and looks at me. Cid walks away to serve drinks. Daddy nods and I leave my ball. I quickly run to him. He goes to the three at the table right when Echo walks over. "Time to go." Echo nods and we all leave. I stop at the stairs and look back. I feel eyes on me. Looking around I see the hooded figure in the back watching me. Jack is also watching me. Why are these people watching me?

I quickly shake my head and run up the stairs. I run to regroup with the others and get on our ship. We then take off. My ear twitches as I watch the sky turn to black as we leave the planet. Uncle Tech plugs in the chip. "It seems a group of Twi-leks are wanting some weapons." Wrecker cheered. "Kriff yeah!" Daddy shakes his head sighing. "Alright. They wanna meet on a moon nearby their planet Ryloth." Ryloth? Twi-leks? So cool! New stuff! Uncle Tech put in coordinates and we hyper jumped. I watched the lights around us with admiration. I always see these but it never gets old.

Cid said she hired help for protecting Zander and I trust her so he's safe. I sit on the ground and start playing with Mando. She roars and runs in circles. I giggle. Omega sits by us. The bow on her back. She giggles too. "Can I try playing with her?" I nod. "Mando." Mando looked at Omega. "I got something for you." Omega said as she took a piece of meat out. Mando's tail wagged like a doggy. I laughed.

She threw it in the air and Mando jumped up. She ate it one bite but kept flying. I gasped and everyone looked over. Daddy smiled and turned back around to push buttons. Mando was flying!! Not gliding! Flying! She's flapping her wings and roars happily. I laugh and Mando starts flying around the ship. Wrecker cheers and starts chasing her. Omega and I laugh so much our guts hurt. I feel tears form just from the laughter. Omega laid on her back dying from the laughter. I covered my mouth as to calm my laughing but I fail. Soon Wrecker fell over but landed on Echo. He grunted and yelled. I squealed with laughter. Dying from it.

Not actually dying but... You know what I mean! Hmpf. Just kidding. I giggled at my own thoughts.

Soon Wrecker got off Echo and apologized. "Sorry but I couldn't stop in time and you're so small." Echo groaned rubbing his arm. "Yeah. Everyone is small compared to you." He said. I giggled slightly and they all looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

I jolted from the ship suddenly to leaving hyper space. I quickly get up and run to the front. We landed at a planet that looks dark. "Where are we?" I ask. Daddy spun in the chair to look at the window. "Just another pit stop. Gotta grab the weapons yeah?" He asked. I looked at him. "We have some of the weapons but we need more if we're gonna complete the bounty." I nodded. He stood up. "So stay here." He commanded harshly. I crossed my arms huffing. I sighed and sat down. He nodded at me and walked away. Soon Omega walked over. "Don't worry. I'll stay with you." I smiled at her and we started playing with Mando.

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