Chapter 10

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Picture of Onyx

Then everything went black...

When I woke up all I could see was white. My mom was in the corner sleeping in a chair.

"Water," is all I managed to croak out

My mom jumped out of her sleep.

"Your awake!'

She grabbed me a glass of water and gave me a sip. That's when I felt two things coming our of my nose. I was in a hospital! Just then a nurse came in and looked at me like she was surprised to see me.

"Glad to see Asha's awake," she said. "Hi my name is Kailey"

Then she turned to my mom talked to her for a few minutes then walked out of the room.

"What happened?" I questioned my mom

"Cheerio tripped and landed on you then you hit your head on the wall, luckily you were wearing a helmet or it would have been twice as worse"

Now that she said that I realized that my head was throbbing.

"You got a concussion and a mild brain bleed"

"How long tell I can ride?"

"That's the bad part"

"How long!?"

"Three weeks" she said softly

"But I have to work six horses on a daily basis and then help you with ten others every once in awhile! I can't not ride for three weeks!"

"At least you had a helmet on if you didn't it would have been three months"

That quieted me down. Then another thought came to me, school started in four weeks! I wouldn't be able to ride Onyx or any of the horses until the week before school! And I would only have a week to work one of the horses!

"What are we going to do with Brittany's horses?''

"Well Gunner and Onyx are staying but Gold will leave in a few days"

"No! Why can't he stay?"

"You won't exactly be working him at all"

"But, hm"

I fall back on my back and let the rest of the day slip away. About half way through the day Zœ and Zara visited me but that was it.


The next day I was released from the hospital. I was so happy! Even though I was only there for a day and a half, it was miserable. I could only get up to go to the bathroom because I had a concussion.

I was glad I wasn't hurt worse, but I couldn't ride for three weeks! When we walked in the front door Zara and Zœ ran up to me and hugged me. They walked me up to my room where we hung out for the rest of the day.


I woke up at 10:00 the next morning and my head feels so much better. I get up and go down stairs.

"Hey honey"

"Good morning mom"

Then I walk out the door to go see the horses.

The first horse I see is Dawn. She was looking a little better, but still really skinny and malnourished. I gave her a cookie and walk down to isle to Sky.

"Hey Sky"

I rubbed her head then continued on to Gunner, Onyx, and Gold. I gave them all a cookie then walked on to the outside jumping arena. There were a few borders riding but none of my friends.

Mint ran up to my leg and started jumping up and down. I leaned down and pet her, then checked my phone for messages.

1 new message!

I opened the message up and it was Alisha. Alisha was my best friend from scholl, but we don't go to the same school anymore. I relized I hadn't seen her for four weeks, and we needed a sleep over bad! I imediatly texted her back and said,

AS: Hey u want 2 come over 4 a sleepover 2night?

A few minutes later she texted me back and said,

AL: YES!!! C U 2night! When do u want me 2come over?

I replied,

AS: ASAP!! I need some1 to hang out with, oh and I have a lot of things to tell u!

Our final text was,

AL: My dad said he could bring me over in 10 is that ok?

AS: Hmmmmmmm let me think..... YES!!

About ten minutes later I hear a car drive up the drive way and a door close. I walked out of the barn and huged Alisha and we walked inside. When we got into my room, we sat on my bed and I began to tell her what had all happened...


At 10:00 we got in to Pjs and snuggled down into bed. Other than Alisha asking a lot of questions it went really well. I fell asleep in a few seconds.


I woke up at 3:00am and used the restroom, but when I laid back down I couldn't fall asleep. I heard a nicker from outside. I looked out my window and saw a shadow. It was a horse! I looked even closer and realized it was Dawn!

My kitchen floor boards are really squeaky, and sneaking down then in the middle of the night is really hard. Somehow, I managed not to wake Alisha or my mom up. Not even Mint woke up.

I walked outside into the dark night. I heard another nicker from behind me. But, before I turned around to pet Dawn, I felt a hard shove and fell to the ground. And hit my head...again...


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