Chapter 3

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When we finally got home I unloaded Dawn and took her into the barn. As soon as she reached her clean stall she laid down and slept for the rest of the day.

She must have been so tired, on the way to my house she didn't even try to get out or kick or do anything. I think she had given up caring what happened to her, she just wanted food and to get out of that awful place.

I ran inside to call Zara, my best friend, that we got a new horse. She was just as excited as I was! Even though she was a year older than me we were in the same grade. She asked if she could come over that night for a sleep over. I ran down stairs to ask my mom. And of course she said yes. I told Zara yes and she said she would be over in a few hours.

I hung up and looked at the clock, 11:00 already! I had forgotten that a rescue took so long. I suddenly realized that I was really hungry all I had eaten this morning was a granola bar. I went to the fridge to get a almond butter and jelly sandwich my favorite! Most kids eat PB&J but I am allergic to peanuts so I have almonds instead.

I quickly ate my sandwich and go outside to see if mom had called the vet yet. She hadn't so I went inside to call Sunny Hill vet clinic. Their receptionist answered and told me that the vet would be over in about an hour. I thank her and go outside to tell mom.

I find her standing in front of Dawn's stall looking in at the sleeping horse. Dawn looked so peaceful just laying there not having to worry about where her next meal would come from.

"Mom," I whispered
"The vet will be here in about an hour"
"Ok thanks for calling them I was going to but then Jacob called me over to look at a cut on Sky's nose. It was nothing serious just a little cut probably from putting her nose where it didn't belong."
"So she's ok?" I ask
Reach For The Sky was my horse so I was worried for her.
"Yeah she's fine, but you may want to put some ointment on it just to be on the the safe side though."
"I'll go do that right now."

I wandered over to where Sky was standing out in the pasture. Sky is POA she has black spots and four black leggings. She was standing out in the pasture waiting for someone to come get her. I think she wanted her lunch! I grabbed her halter off of the gate where we hang all if the halters, and walk in the gate. She walked over to me when I whistled.

I saw the scratch and my mom was right, it was only a minor cut. We walked inside and I tied Sky in the cross ties while I went to get the ointment. When I came back she wasn't there.

My first thought was that someone put her in her stall. I jogged over to where her stall was, no Sky. So now I started to get a little worried, but maybe my mom put her somewhere I went to find my mom, She hadn't seen Sky either.

Now I was getting pretty desperate I had no idea where Sky was. I started going around the barn and pastures but no Sky. I was about to call the people who live down the road from us to ask I'd they had seen her. But just as I was walking back inside the vet showed up, and sky was walking out her window! She was really holding in to Sky's lead rope out the window!

Amy parked and got out if her truck.
"Hi Asha, it's a good thing Sky here doesn't mind cars!" She said with a chuckle in her voice
" Well here you go, I here you guys got a new rescue,"
"We did her name is Dawn,"
"That's a nice name do you know what her registered name?"
"A Perfect Dawn."

At this time we were in front of Dawn's stall. I left my mom with Amy and went to re-tie Sky and to put the ointment on her nose.

As I was tying Sky up again I could here parts of Andrea's and Amy's conversation.
"I don't know Andrea it looks pretty bad"
"Is there something you can do for it?"
Then there voices drifted out again, the next thing I heard was this;
"I'm sorry Andrea it's not looking the promising for her, she is just to weak already. It would take a miracle,"
"Well miracles happen right?" My mom asked

All I could think if right now was, no not Dawn not Dawn not Dawn. She was to pretty and trusting to be put down and die. I was willing to do anything to save her.

I finished putting the ointment on Sky, and put her in her stall. She walked over to her freshly stocked hay and started eating. I decided to clean her stall while I thought of a plan to save Dawn.

Maybe I could run away and hide her. But, then how would I take care of a injured horse? I have no idea what to do. I finished cleaning Sky's stall and went to dump the manure and get fresh shavings. As I walked back to Sky's stall I decided I would just ask my mom if there is anything I could do. I dumped the shavings and spread them out.

As I was walking to put the wheel barrel away I stopped by Dawn's stall, she was standing and eating her hay looking really happy! I walked over by the stall and she immediately tensed, but then relaxed when she saw it was just me.
"Good girl!"
Dawn didn't walk towards me but she did lean a little towards me.

I heard a door slam and Zara walking to the barn.
"Sorry got to go girl."

I finished putting my barrel away and went out to say hi to Zara.
"Hey Ash!"
"Hi Z!"
"Where is your new horse?"
"Over here."
I lead her over to where Dawn was eating in her stall, when Dawn saw us she immediately tensed and flew to the back of her stall.
"It's ok girl your fine I'm not going to hurt you," Zara whispered.
Dawn started to relax a little bit but was still really tense.
"Ok let's give her some room," I said.
"Fine with me," said Zara

We walked into the house where we set down the bag Zara was carrying.

"I didn't realize she was that bad,"

"She's not as bad around just me but I heard a lot of thrashing when the vet was checking her out, so I think she doesn't like new people."

"I think she probably likes you!" Zara said

"Now why would you say that?"

"Just think about it,"

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