"You said seven. Why wasn't the seventh person given immortality?" Aether and Hermera gave me a sad look.

"Perseus Jackson sacrificed himself to stop Aunt Gaea. He swore on the Styx to go with her peacefully and then as he approached her he cut of her head, putting her back to sleep. He was instantly transported to Tartarus." Tears gathered at my eyes. Percy was a great hero and did not deserve that. Suddenly Gennaíos dropped to the ground holding his head and writhing in pain.    

"Gennaíos!" I knelt beside him and Aether and Hermera came over. Hermera touched his head and he instantly calmed. He opened his eyes and sat up. He gave us a puzzled look. He wanted to know why he was on the ground.

"Dude you grabbed your head and dropped to the ground in pain. Are you alright?" He nodded and smiled. I turned to Hermera who looked at Gennaíos with a confused look. She turned to Aether who nodded.

"Gennaíos how about you go lie down. I don't know what happened, but we want you to be ready tomorrow to go." Gennaíos nodded and left.

"So honey, what did you want to say?" Aether turned to Hermera.

"I saw many flashed of memories when I touched his head, but they passed too quickly for to see any of them.

"So his sudden pain came from his memories temporarily flashing through his mind," I asked. Hermera nodded.

"Yes, and at the end was darkness, which blocked me from further inspecting his memories. Whatever his past was he and someone else does not want him to remember. Just be careful. I didn't see anything malicious coming from him, but whatever blocked his memories blocked them for a reason."

"I understand." She nodded and then looked absentminded. I guess she was trying to sift through the quick glances she saw. I turned back to Aether.

"Be ready to go tomorrow. I know that will be a week on Earth, but Aunt Gaea wants it this way. We will help her save Earth. Go let your team know."

"Yes, Aether." I smiled at him and left as he took his wife in his arms. I made the decision to tell everyone and then go check on Gennaíos, though knowing him he was with the rest of the unit and not resting. I walked into what we call the entertainment room. It had books, TV, and games for us while we were on our down time. Zoe and Bianca were playing a hunting simulator that they usually played and Charles and Silena were playing a card game.  Gennaíos was sprawled out on the couch reading. Well at least he was resting.

"Alright guys another mission had come up." Everyone paused their game to look at me. Gennaíos kept reading since he already had the information.

"We have to go back to Earth to save the planet from Nyx, Erebus, and Tartarus. They have framed Gaea and thus have gain Camp Half Blood, Camp Jupiter, and the Hunt under their control using their champion that has been blessed by them. We are to go tomorrow and convince them that they have been tricked."

"I will kill them," Zoe said. She looked like she wanted to murder someone now. I understood though, they were messing with our home.

"It also looks like we will be seeing old faces that have been granted immortality."

"Was Nico," Bianca asked.

"Aether said that the head counselors along with six others were granted immortality, so I am betting yes." She looked happy.

"You don't look as happy as you should," Silena said. She was keen on this stuff.

"That is true. Sadly, Percy won't be there. Gaea was tricked into attacking Earth and seven were prophesized to stop it. Percy sacrificed himself and was sent to Tartarus after breaking his oath on the Styx." Silena started to cry as Charles held her. Bianca started to cry too and Zoe, who had tears in her eyes, gave her a hug. I heard a thump and looked back to the couch to see Gennaíos holding his head in pain again. I went over to him.

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