Author's Note

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Welcome to my second book 'Unapologetic' here we'll go in-depth and discuss the many inequalities people of colour face and the struggle for biracial/multiracial people to find their identity.

Being biracial/multiracial isn't really talked about and when it does it barely scratches the surface of how we have to choose a side to be accepted into society. But I also like to add how mixed babies have been fetishized and neglected not being shown the internalized stereotypes of both cultures and how that makes us who we are.

These experiences Nevaeh will have are either ones I've had, ones from friends that they said I could share, and ones that I've just heard about.

I want to add that if any one of my readers is biracial/multiracial or even saw something happen that's close to this subject then I would love to hear your perspective on this and I could even add it in a chapter.

I want to share stories, experiences, and perspectives knowing that you aren't alone in this battle for identity.

I wanted to start with this book but got caught up with what I thought others would like so now I've chosen to show this part of my writing.

Each chapter will follow a format of:

Song - by a black or mixed artist.

Definition - that most likely will follow what will happen in a chapter.

Quote - either made by black/mixed or dedicated to black/mixed.

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