List of things that WILL and WON'T be in my rewrite of the Sequel Trilogy

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Before we get to my rewrite itself, we'll go over some overall changes made to this rewrite of the ST:

Things that WON'T be in my rewrite series:

-NO Palpatine return (because bringing him back cheapened Vader's sacrifice from the OT)

-NO Death Star clones

-NO Reylo (because a young girl falling in love with a mass-murderer is... kinda fucked up. plus they'll be related in this rewrite of the ST, and nobody wants to see incest in space)

-NO Green titty milk scene 

-NO Admiral Holdo (her role in TLJ's story will be filled by Admiral Ackbar)

Things that WILL be in my rewrite series:

-Finn will become a Jedi (he'll discover he's force-sensitive in Episode 8 during his fight with Captain Phasma)

-Luke will survive into Episode 9 to train both Rey and Finn as part of his new jedi order (the order of Luke and Leia's deaths will be reversed, Leia will be killed off in the beginning of Episode 8 when she gets sucked into space out of respect for Carrie Fisher)

-More planets from the Prequel trilogy and Original trilogy will be re-visited, just to see how much the galaxy has changed in the past 30 years since Return of the Jedi.

-The Resistance will be re-named the New Republic Navy, as the conflict in this rewrite of the ST is an inverse of the OT: instead of rehashing the old Rebels vs. Empire conflict, it is now the good guys who are in power (the New Republic) while the bad guys (the First Order) are now the scrappy underdogs being a terrorist organization seeking to tear down the New Republic and restore Imperial rule.

-We will get at least one scene of Han, Luke and Leia together on-screen (it'll be in a flashback scene detailing Ben Solo's fall to the dark side)

Now that we've gotten that out of way, we'll move on to the characters...

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