He was startled due to sudden surprise, cause no one has ever entered in his room; it was the first time he has seen a human face, who is not a old lady or a old man;his towel dropped on the floor from his milky white skin and all the pillows started falling one by one in sequence ....

And now he was standing fully naked in front of his zayn ; zayn puts both of his hands on his eyes; cause it's bad to see someone without clothes , it's a bad habit...

"Just put your towel on ,don't stare at me".....
He whispered ,but the curly boy was still staring at him ;sorry admiring him, cause he don't know why but just by seeing zayn's face ,he feels hundreds of butterflies in his tummy and it tickles a lot and it's all zayn's fault isn't it...

"Put your towel on please".....

But still no response ,no movement, it seems like the time has stopped and everything is beautiful and all that he can see is zayn zayn zayn ,nothing else just zayn, his zayn ......

But he don't want his zayn to be mad at him not now or maybe never....

"um zainn I don't know how to use towel ,but please don't be mad at me".....

"How do you know that ,my name is zayn"....
He asked hands still on his brown breath taking eyes....

"um mama told me ,you are also small like me "....
He whispered with a slight little blush on his face and there was only one thing in his mind, that what if zayn won't let him touch his horses.....

After few seconds zayn removed his hands from his eyes ,and walk towards his little lover and draped that red towel around his small rosy skin ;which resembles snowy surface of alaska and the freckles on his skin are like the penguins roaming on that snow....

"It's easy isn't it"...

"um ,but I don't know"....
Harry whispered, while directly looking into zayn's soul through his eyes and that's when zayn realise, that he is in love with this snow white beauty ;cause he has read so many Shakespeare's work and he knows how you feel when you fall in love with someone ; like one of them has said that when you fell you just fell, there is no going back ,and it's not like zayn wants to go anywhere and if he has to ,then he want ,no ,need this snow white beauty with him everywhere, every minute and every second ;he can't believe, that how he has survived fifteen years without his snow white it's impossible right;.....

"Why are you so pretty"....
He blurted out without even thinking for a second ,that what he was saying ;but he didn't regret any of his word ,cause he seriously wants to know that how can be someone so gorgeous so so so beautiful like an angel ; zayn has always read in books about angels ;but now he has met one of them and he was sure, that he is the most prettiest angel.....

"um I don't know ,but Sufi told me that um god wants me to be a pretty boy ......

And zayn hugged him ,so tightly and carefully like harry is a china doll or that he will break; if zayn didn't hold him properly; someone has said"hold your lover in such a way ,that they started smelling like you,so whenever they are away from you for some seconds, they've the idea that someone is waiting for them somewhere";and zayn wants harry to smell like him, cause Harry is HIS;....

And the first thought that popped up in his mind, after smelling and holding his little lover in his arms was that"me and snow white will marry eachother and then we'll buy a cottage in mountains and will live happily with our five kids and one of them will call mariyana ,but if snow white didn't like that, he'll change it";..

"um what is your name snow white".....
He whispered in his neck, still holding him with a pure love ;a love which will burns him at the end ;but he is ready to do anything, if been with you means my destruction ,then fuck the destruction ,just destroy me, do whatever you want, cause the need is unbearable, undeniable,and incompetable;which can be only fullfilled by his lover,his,his,his,his;his snow white;....

"Harry sty---------"....

"Harry Aiden Malik".....
Katherine said ,while putting the new clothes on the side table ,with a sweet smile on her face.....

"Aiden;um why brot----".....

"Cause Harry is married to Aiden, when you were at your grandad's place"......

"Now come on let me dress him up, everyone is waiting for us in dining hall".....

She said and snatched his snow white away from his arms; and now he feels like, he is nothing, totally empty ,like numb;And harry, he wants the warmth of his zayn's skin ,which these clothes can never provide him;......

Love;a feeling ;a path;a destination;a journey;and when you fall for someone, you find all these things in that person ;and now when harry is away from him ,maybe just one feet apart, then also this distance is killing him ;....

He feels like a star ,separated from his moon....

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