Chapter 1

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I knock on the door to the dorm I was assigned, then enter. A slightly older, and much taller man with auburn hair looks at me in confusion, as one would when unprepared for a new dorm partner. His chocolate brown eyes glistening because of the lights.

"Hey, I'm Alexander, I think this is the right dorm... 248, right?"I ask.

"Oh- yeah, sorry, I forgot it was today you were said to arrive. I'm john. John Laurens." He smiles, and as do i.

I drag in my heavy luggage, then grab my dog's kennel. Her name is Camel and she's a pomeranian, only 3 months old. Rescue pup.

"Which room will I stay in?" I ask.

"Oh, actually we share rooms, 2 to a room, 2 rooms. Since LaBaguette and Hercules are together, they share a room, so it'll be us two. I'm actually happy to have a roomie, I'm always lonely at night." He walks over as he says this and scuffs up my hair, which I happen to have down today.

"Oh, okay! I'll go unpack I guess. Which room?"

"Third door. See ya later." John pats my back and walks into the kitchen.

I unpack and decorate, then set my dog's kennel at the foot of the bed. Mr. Washington said he'd have her here tonight. Speak of the devil, there's a knock at the door.

I run to answer and indeed, it is Mr. Washington. "Oh, hi!" I hug him, as he's helped me through my hard times. He's like a dad to me.

"Woah, Son, it's only been 4 days since I've seen you, you act like it's been years." He chuckles.

"I know, but I missed you. You're the closest to a dad I've got." I smile, Camel interrupts, getting jealous of the attention not being given to her.

"Oh, Camel, I know you missed me, huh?" I pick her up as Mr. Washington hands me the leash.

"Well, I have to get to my meeting, I'll see you later, remember to call once you get your new phone plan figured out."

"Okay, see you, and thank you!" I smile as he walks off.

I turn around to see John staring at me with a smile. "Is that a dog???!" He asks excitedly.

"Yep! Her name is Camel." I hand her over to him and shut the door.

She starts licking his face, which makes him laugh as he holds her up. As he does so, his shirt lifts up and immidiaty I can tell my face turns a shade of red I didn't even know existed.

After laughing at my dog being a dumbass for a while, Hercules and Lafayette come out and we chat, all of us getting along fine, Camels favorite aside from me being Lafayette.

"She likes you so much because your hair is the same as hers." Hercules teases him.

"Oh, tais toi, mon amour." He responds.

I really had no clue how to end it so I ended it on that note. What'll happen next? Not even I know yet. Anyways thank u for reading and have an excelent day

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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