I excused myself from the table after Nancy has finished eating. I can't stand pretending to be okay in front of them anymore. There's actually someone I hate more than Agnes. I went and helped Nancy assemble the tent just a few feet away from where the RV is parked. Jake came along a few minutes after and assembled his tent. Assembling a tent was alot harder than I thought it would be.  

"Carter left." Jake said as we both struggled putting up our tent. "You can stop acting now"

"I am not acting. I'm really mad." I said frustratedly. "At him and now at tent."

"Chill Marissa. Just chill." he said helping me out now. "Plus that guy isnt that bad"

"Coming from a guy like you.

"What's that suppose to mean?"


After a good thirty minutes setting up both our tents Nancy and Agnes came with our sleeping bag. 

"I can't believe I am staying within that tent" Agnes said as she tossed me my sleeping bag.

"Hey feelings neutral here." I said spreading my sleeping bag in the tent. Just chill, dont let her get to you I thought to myself. Agnes went inside to organize her "space" whatever that means. We all know that tents are have limited amount of space, so if she is planning on moving into the tent then good luck to her. 

Silence took over the campsite, you can only hear the animals making noises from the forest near. An owl there, some crickets here and other noises. From a far, you can hear the waves crashing into the beach and in rare times you can hear it crash against rocks and boulders. The pathway were all lit up by tiki torches just to show where it leads. Only few people were outside, most are either in their RV sleeping or in  the pathway fully camping. The sky was clear and bright. The moon was lit brightly almost taking over the dark sky with its glow. There were also many stars. Too many to count actually. A rare experience to see that many stars considering in the city it's mostly streetlights and skyscrapers. Agnes snoring disrupted the silence of the place and Icouldn't help but giggle. Jake sat beside me as we both looked at the stars.

"Look a shooting star" he pointed at a small dot moving quickly across the star. 

"Let's make a wish" I said eagerly to him.

We both closed our eyes and made a wish right there and then.

"I wish this friendship last forever" I whispered quitely to myself. When I opened my eyes Jake was already looking at me in a weird way. Not in a way that makes you mad, but in a way where you almost feel worried of whether you look okay during that time or not. Its not only the way his eyes looked at me but also his smile. That side smile of his. Thats weird, I've never seen that smile before, even at school. 

"What?" I asked him as I brushed a stray hair away from my face. This is getting weird. 

"Nothing, you just looked good tonight Marissa," he said, he turned and looked up to the sky and continued looking at the stars, then out of nowhere I felt his soft lips on my cheek. I can feel my cheeks slowly getting warmer. Oh no! I'm turning red. No, No, No this isn't happening. Why are my cheeks turning this warm. This is so weird, but its only on the cheek. If it's on the cheek that means friendly right? I turned away from him, trying to control this overwhelming feeling in me. I wanted to punch him and kick him but wouldn't that make me look like I am over reacting to it.  I couldn't face him, at least not when my cheeks are slowly turning into a tomato. Not just any tomato, the kind of tomatoes your grandma have in their garden. I rushed into the tent and hid myself under my sleeping bag.

"You okay?" Jake asked from the outside. Okay? you're asking me if I am okay. I don't even know how I am feeling right now. I dont even know why I am feel this rush. UGH, my stomach is being swarmed by thousand crawling creatures slowly turning it inside out. Why am I freaking out I asked myself. Just chill, chill. I took a deep breath and and let a big puff out. My cheeks are still warm.

"Go away." I yelled back "Just go away"

"Are sure your okay?" he repeated his question, ignoring what I said. Dont go in, dont go in I whispered quitely to myself.

"Just go away Jake" I yelled back again. "Just leave me alone"

"Carter invited us to a party down at the beach tomorrow night" I heard his voice softly in the distant. I heard the zipper of his tent open and close. That was a fast frienship. I laid downand started reflecting on what just had happen. Why this cheek of mine felt like its the surface of the sun. Why my heart felt like jumping out when his lips touched my cheek. Why every nerve on my body felt tingly like it's just been zapped by lighting. Now, on how I reacted towards it I can finally say that my wish will never come true.  Why am I such a jerk I asked myself. 

I flopped down on the sleeping bag and stayed in a still position. I slowly touch my cheek, the side where his lips touched, and smiled like an idiot. 

"It's just a friendly kiss" I said to myself. A part of me sighed in relief while a part of me felt broken when those words came out of my mouth. He is not an option my brain said, yes I know I've officially gone mental, he's always been an option, my heart said. I know I sound weird talking to my organs,but I've seen guys talk to their belly button so I guess this time it's all good. I closed my eyes trying to sleep it out, but even in the darkness all I see is him. With an white aura too. That's it I've gone mental.

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