CH 7 The Punishment

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The next couple of weeks fly by with a lot of flirting at work, pretty much everyone knows me and Greyson are together which is fine by me. I'm glad everyone at the club knows he is off limits. I realize that Greyson brings out that primal cave man mentality in me. I don't want anyone near him, I'm glad he has the bar between him and most of the customers. The girls flirting doesn't get to me. It's the guys more Greyson's age that I have to walk away from or I'm sure I'd loose some business if I told them to keep their eyes off Greyson. I have to reconcile myself knowing he is mine. It helps sneaking in kisses throughout the night.

I love going out with Greyson, we do fun things like going to the fair, ice skating and other things I just haven't done in a long time. I didn't even realize I wasn't really living life anymore but Greyson is so fun and crazy he keeps me on my toes and I love it.

We also can just spend time at home watching movies or cuddling, Greyson loves cuddling he would do that all day if I let him. I can't say I mind the Daddy kink, Greyson seems to have two moods his first when we are in public he is more subdued it's there in the way he talks and walks but not so obvious. Then when we are at home he goes all out sucking his thumb, climbing on my lap, whining because Daddy's "Unfair and a meanie" because I wouldn't go get ice cream at 10:00 at night.

I'm really getting into it though it's new and exciting. I'm just glad he hasn't pushed me to far yet. I have not had to punish him yet not even a spanking all though he is getting more and more comfortable pushing my boundaries so I'm thinking its coming soon.

I'm sitting at my desk on a wednesday afternoon which is unusual, ever since I started dating Greyson I usually only work when he does and Sandra is an amazing manager and she has been holding down the club pretty well why I take time off, but I had to come sign some checks today. I'm just about done when there is a knock on my door I push away from my desk and Greyson walks in and sits right on my lap and I just laugh and look at my boy. "Yes baby?"

"Daddy I want to go shopping." I'm not sure where this is going but I have a feeling we are not going grocery shopping. "Ok baby, where do you want to go shopping at?" Greyson's gets pink "I want to go to Pleasures." I knew it, a sex shop. "Ok baby give me thirty minutes to finish up and we will go."

Greyson gets up and skips off happily probably to go talk to Sandra. He and Sandra have seem to hit it off it took a while but she warmed up to him and now there worse than old ladies with there gossiping. I'm happy he has another ally here bedsides Angel. The staff is about half and half with how they treat Greyson as the boss's new "boy toy". I still can't believe I overheard one of the waitress's say that about sweet little Greyson. I understand some of it is they see me indulge him more often then not but come on that's love. Oh my god I can't believe I already love him.

I went from being madly in love with a man who broke my heart to almost three years of not even wanting to chance dating to well Greyson. To falling in love with Greyson. Shit shit shit. I know it's to early for Greyson to feel the same way. So now I'm not in the greatest mood with my newest revelation walking to meet Greyson at the bar.

"Come on let's go Greyson." I walk by and don't even have to look I just know he is following behind me. We get in my car and I head towards pleasures.

"Daddy, are you mad?" Greyson asks me in a quite soft voice. I briefly look over at him. "No, do I seem mad?" He just shrugs his shoulders. I pull into a parking spot and then we are walking up to the back door of the sex shop.

When we are inside Greyson goes straight to a wall with a bunch of different toys, outfits, videos, and every other thing you could possible think of. I grab a basket and follow Greyson as he shrills in delight about the things he is throwing in the basket.

Charming Boy #1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt