CH 6 The Wait is Over

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Blaine---The inside of Privilege

"Hello Greyson how are you." I smile in greeting as Greyson walks into my office. Greyson smiles back. "Really good I met some of my new coworkers they're all really nice. I'm glade I have some time off though I'm pretty tired but I'm excited for tomorrow." He is so cute full of energy right now he makes me smile even wider.

I have been thinking about nothing but him for the last couple of days and now I get to run my plans by him. "So I was thinking tomorrow we both have off and Tuesday so how about we do dinner tomorrow at seven pm I know a great place that I know you will just love?"

Greyson looks so excited he is figiting which I relize he does quite a lot buts it's cute. Greyson grabs a pen on my desk a blank sheet of paper and writes down something and hands it to me. It's his name and number. I laugh at his cuteness. "Thanks do you want me to pick you up tomorrow or would you rather drive?" Greyson smiles "Just tell me where and I will meet you there."

I'm trying not to take it as a bad sign that Greyson wants to take his own car but it kind of makes me wonder if he has changed his mind about us. But I just tell him the name of a small Italian restaurant close by that I think he might like.

"See you then." He smiles as he gets up and leaves my office just like that no more talking no goodbye kiss or anything. I'm actually a little disappointed but I reel it back I have pretty much given him the silent treatment for the last two days so its my own fault.

Besides what did I except him to throw himself at me, actually I did. I least expected him to stay and talk for more than ten minutes but it is late so I attribute he's weird behavior to a long day. Hopefully diner will go better.

Monday night an hour into dinner and nothing more than one word answers from Greyson, I realize I made a mistake taking Greyson on a date. I can tell nothing has changed since my office yesterday, Greyson's being very subdued not the bubbly Greyson I have came to known. Greyson hasn't said anything wrong he just hasn't said much and even though he is smiling he still looks miserable. I haven't had to plan a date in a long time, but I know its not the quite romantic ambiance of Andiamo's that's making Greyson so uncomfortable it has to be me.

All I can think is what am I doing wrong. I'm surprised that's it's actually breaking my heart to think it, but maybe its time to cut my losses and end the date early because this isn't working out. We are both done eating and I just paid the bill and I'm stuck. What do I do ? End the date here or suggest we go back to my place and hope to get Greyson back to the way he was the first night we met.


This is all Blaine's fault I know he's not having a good time either but what am I suppose to do he left me in limbo. Do I act like this is a regular date or does Blaine want to be my Daddy on this date? I'm just so confused. I don't do confused well, I know Blaine wants to get to know me but I'm too nervous for his answer about what he thinks is next. I'm to much a coward to come right out and ask. So I'm just hoping this awkward date portion of the night ends soon so we can finally resolve things once and for all.

After Blaine's paid the bill I just sit there and look at him to see what is happening next, this is his date. What I see shocks me, Blaine who is so confident and carries himself so sure and strong looks anything but as I see the indecision written on his face. I knew not to get my hopes up but did that stop me? That's a big fat no. I was just so sure after Thursday night everything would fall into place but it wouldn't be the first time I was totally wrong about a guy. Finally it looks like Blaine has made a decision. I just hope it's a good one.

"So Greyson I know we were suppose to talk tonight to get to know each other a little better but it seems maybe here wasn't the best idea." No shit I think but he continues on "Maybe we should go back to my place it may be easier to talk there, yeah?" Ok a second chance this should be easy. "Of course that sounds good lead the way I'm ready to go."

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