CH 5 || Premium Quarry

Start from the beginning

"Regular?" she asked the boys.

"Yeah, sweetheart." One of his friends, Arvik replied, winking.

"Beer would be fine for me." said the other named Reyansh.

She looked over at the recent guest before mumbling, "Jack On The Rocks, I presume." She didn't want to be the receiver of his wrath, whose eyes were all red. He was in a rage, fuming. So, without any reply, she understood what she had to do. She, in a hurry, prepared the desired drinks to be served to them.

While Reyansh and Arvik were busy gulping down the liquor, his eyes were on the other bartender who was in her late twenties already giving him looks. Unlike other nights she was not in any shirt, just a tank top from which her nipples were evident.

She kept on biting her lips now and then, trying to get his attention. That's what she had been doing for the past few months. Her tits weren't large but her hips were that she was intentionally swaying, serving drinks to the others in the private area.

"Your prey for tonight is ready, it seems," Arvik mumbled when noticed his friend's eyes on her.

The one with fury rotated his glass filled with liquor, his alcohol danced like a graceful woman around the ice cubes. He placed the glass in front. Through the crystalline view, he could see the bartender leering at him. She was hell-bent on being trapped. In a couple of seconds, a man sitting on the adjacent couch in the private area started flirting with her. She wasn't quite interested, tried to avoid him but her efforts went in vain. Even after consistent efforts the man didn't back up.

Things were heating up and the owner's eyes were inspecting her every act.

"Do I look like a predator?" He queried his friends. His ears awaiting his friends' response and his eyes were set on the scene that played in his front.

"No, you are a demon," Reyansh replied, blankly having his beer.

"Bingo." The click of his tongue was no less than a lion's roar.

"Demon Aahir Arya suits you." Arvik opined, receiving an evil smirk from the one and only Aahir Arya. The smirk of the devilish billionaire was ample to make one's flesh creep.

Resting the half-filled liquor glass on the tabletop, he got off his seat, eyed his friends for a brief, and muttered, "Fifteen Minutes." They understood what they had to do after the said time and nodded at his friend who walked to where his prey was. She was his to deal with, and no one else's.

The man was still holding her hand when Aahir went to them.

"Leave my hand. I don't want to go with you." the bartender said, trying to get out of the grip.

"She said she doesn't want to go with you," Aahir said, holding the man's hand. When he turned to Aahir and scrutinized, he soon realized who he was and what could have happened if he would have messed with him.

He gulped when Aahir's face came into his view. His blood ran cold. He didn't want to be in the bad books of one of the influential men of America.

"Get Out." Aahir bellowed out the order.

Without any further ado, the man left her and ran away as if his life was in danger. Aahir's one look and the others in the private area, except his friends, vacated the space. The devil was all in its glory.

"Thank You So Much." The bartender said and bit her lip, trying to act all timid. She was compelling him to fuck her then and there. But he had other plans. He never fucked anyone without consent, but after the consent, he was no less than a beast.

Although she was unlucky that night, only if she knew.

"I didn't save you for your thank you." His husky voice pulsated her core.

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