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for some reason I never realized I didn't post this chapter before. I'm so sorry :')


It was Saturday, so you were asleep on the couch, waking up every few hours to watch Bepo and making sure he was okay, while Law was asleep on the other couch. He stayed up with you all night to help.

Then the doorbell rang.

ꟷ Good morning. ꟷ you said opening the door just a little, still not quite awake, when you noticed it was the landlord. ꟷ Oh, hello! How can I help?

ꟷ Good morning, I'm sorry to bother you this early on a weekend, but I'm here because some neighbors heard a noise last night. So I'm checking. Did you hear or see anything?

ꟷ A noise? What kind of noise? ꟷ you asked, confused.

ꟷ Something like a cat.

You froze. How could the nosy neighbors possibly hear the cat anyway? Of course Bepo made some noises, but it wasn't even too loud.

Law got up from the couch, when he noticed the older man by the door. So your roommate started acting like your fiancé again, touching your shoulders and kissing your head, giving you shivers this time. An unusual feeling, actually. He touched you many times before, pretending to be your partner, but you never felt anything.

ꟷ Good morning, baby. ꟷ he said, and looked at the man. ꟷ I heard you talking about hearing a cat? Are you sure? I thought we couldn't have pets here.

ꟷ Yes, that's why. I'm not accusing you of anything, of course, but... ꟷ before he could finish, Bepo decided to say a "meow" too, making your heart stop for a second. ꟷ What was that?

ꟷ Oh, that? ꟷ you asked, trying to think of something. ꟷ Animal planet. Law is watching some shows about pets. Anyway, we didn't hear anything, but if we hear, we'll let you know.

ꟷ Yes. ꟷ Law continued. ꟷ But try checking the old lady from the apartment down the hall, I'm pretty sure I saw her bringing a kitten here a few days ago.

The man nodded, and went to another apartment.

You looked at each other and started laughing. That was close.

ꟷ Seriously, (Y/N)-ya? Animal planet? ꟷ he asked.

You waited a while, making sure the coast was clear to take Bepo to the veterinarian without people noticing.

He had no health problems, apparently. But he was hurt from getting attacked by other animals before. You got some medicines, and needed to change his bandages every day. Both of you also bought some cat food and a bed.

ꟷ That's... Just until he gets healthy. ꟷ Law said, getting a stuffed toy for Bepo. You could notice he was unsure if he really wanted the kitten to leave.

ꟷ Yes, sure... ꟷ you replied, feeling hesitant too. ꟷ It's just temporary.

Except it wasn't.

Three weeks later Bepo was healthy enough, but you two kept finding excuses to keep the kitten "just one more day". It was either "let's be sure he's really okay", "I didn't have time to look into the adoption stuff" or "we need to find someone responsible".

Bepo used to lay on your roommate's lap while he was studying, or sit by your side while you were watching TV. The bedroom doors were always open because the cat spent the nights switching between your room and Law's.

He was like a baby, just what you needed to complete your little family. It was a fake family, but it felt like a real one.

Maybe it was living together for the past few months and having you worried about him, constantly asking if he ate or if he had any sleep, or maybe it was taking care of Bepo together. But something felt different. He didn't know how or when it happened.

Half of him was enjoying this new sensation, but half of him was scared. He lost people he loved before, that's why he never got closer to anyone ever since. He just couldn't trust someone, get closer to them, only to lose them in the end.

Meanwhile, you didn't know how you actually felt. Were you being friendly? Were you trying to act more than a friend? You got confused, but didn't think much of it. You knew he wouldn't be interested. He didn't seem to be the kind of guy who wanted relationships. But you couldn't help looking at him with a loving smile, and feeling your heart skip a beat whenever he said "(Y/N)-ya".

Why him? Why it had to be him?

You decided to ignore this for a while, and focus on his birthday instead, which it was in just a few days. He'd hate a surprise party, of course, but you decided to invite just some close friends. That'd be Luffy and his friends, aka the Strawhat Squad, Vivi and Rosinante.

While Law was out buying some stuff for Bepo, you decorated the apartment and waited for Sanji to bring the cake he made. The decoration was simple, but hopefully he'd like it. Even Bepo was wearing a tiny birthday hat.

Everyone was ready, waiting for him. And when Law finally opened the door, he sure was surprised when everyone said "happy birthday" at the same time. For a second he even forgot it was his birthday.

ꟷ I... Wow thank you! ꟷ was all he could say.

ꟷ Do you like it? (Y/N) planned everything. ꟷ your blue haired friend said, obviously giving you all the credit so Law could notice your effort. Very discreet, Vivi.

ꟷ Really? ꟷ he looked at you. So you cared about him? You cared enough to make a birthday party for him? You actually remembered his birthday? Maybe that's what friends do anyway. ꟷ Thank you, (Y/N). That's very nice.

During the "party", Rosinante approached you.

ꟷ I noticed how Law is looking at you. ꟷ he said, smiling. ꟷ I've never seen him looking at someone like that.

ꟷ Like what? ꟷ you stuttered a bit, giggling. ꟷ Like a fake fiancé?

ꟷ No, no. You know what I'm talking about. It's different. ꟷ the blonde said. ꟷ I don't know if you feel the same, but know that even though he seems cold, he has a heart. You might be able to see another side of him. A side no one was ever able to see.

You were about to reply, when the man who was the topic of the conversation approached you, rolling his eyes.

ꟷ Luffy-ya ate all the snacks, someone will have to go buy more.

ꟷ I can go. ꟷ you volunteered. The walk would be a good opportunity to think about what Rosinante just said.

ꟷ Law can go with you. ꟷ the new wingman suggested. ꟷ It's dark outside, it's not safe for her to go out alone.

ꟷ Actually, the neighborhood is pretty safe. ꟷ you replied quickly.

ꟷ We can't take the risk. Law, go with her.

The walk to the store was actually quiet. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, though. But you had the impression that Rosinante had the same talk with Law.

Roommate {Trafalgar Law x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now