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(D/N) - Degree Name

ꟷ We need a history! So I thought about something last night. ꟷ you said, heading to the apartment with the raven haired man. ꟷ We met in high school, fell in love, dated for three years until we got engaged and moved in together. Now we go to college, but we're serious and responsible. We're saving money for our wedding, and we think about having a kid someday.

ꟷ I'm sure he won't ask all those questions, (Y/N)-ya. ꟷ he rolled his eyes, wondering if it really was a good idea to agree on being your roommate.

ꟷ Well, you never know. We need to be prepared anyway.

You spotted an older man outside the apartment complex. He seemed nice, and was already waiting for you and your "fiancé".

ꟷ Mr. Trafalgar and Miss (L/N)? ꟷ he smiled. ꟷ Good morning, nice to meet you.

ꟷ Nice to meet you, Sir. ꟷ you smiled, shaking his hand.

Law greeted the man, trying to be as friendly as you were.

ꟷ What a cute young couple you are. It reminds me of my wife and me when we were younger. ꟷ the proprietor smiled feeling nostalgic, while leading both of you to the apartment. ꟷ I believe the apartment is perfect for you, especially when you have kids eventually.

ꟷ Oh yes, we do want kids someday. ꟷ Law said, finally using the story you made up, trying to sound as convincing as possible. ꟷ One or two, right, honey?

You held his hand, something he wasn't used to do. PDA, even if they weren't "real", wasn't his thing. He felt awkward and blushed by your sudden action, but didn't stop it. You two had to be convincing, right?

ꟷ Yes, after we graduate and have our wedding. Then we'll think about babies.

The apartment was indeed perfect. Two bedrooms with a good size, it would fit a bed, wardrobe and a desk just fine. The kitchen was just perfect, the living room was large, the window had a nice view to a park that would look beautiful during spring, and the bathroom would fit all your products without bothering Law.

ꟷ So, what do you think, love? ꟷ you tried your best not to laugh when calling him any nicknames. It was unusual and funny, since you two weren't even friends. ꟷ I loved it.

ꟷ Yes, me too. I think it's perfect for us.

The next morning you and Law went to clean the place, and the day after, you started moving all the stuff from your place and his to the new apartment.

Luffy went to help, but he kept eating every ten minutes, and played with the things he found, especially with some toys you brought, while Zoro took a nap.

Rosinante was so nice and came to help, but he dropped a box with books on his foot, which made Robin take him to the hospital. They even asked Doflamingo to help. He told he'd come, but just never appeared. And Nami was traveling with Vivi to meet her parents.

So Sanji and two neighbors called Penguin and Shachi ended up helping.

By the end of the day you were so tired you just couldn't keep your eyes open and couldn't help falling asleep on one couch, while your new roommate fell asleep on the other.

You woke up with Law preparing breakfast. The smell of coffee and pancakes was so good it made you get up and head to the kitchen.

ꟷ Good morning, roommate. ꟷ you smiled and tried to find something to eat. Your first intention was to make a sandwich. ꟷ Damn, I can't believe I forgot to buy bread.

ꟷ No. ꟷ he said, getting a plate and a mug from the cabinet.

ꟷ "No" what? ꟷ you asked confused, tilting your head.

ꟷ It's the first rule. No bread in this apartment. ꟷ he poured some coffee into his mug. ꟷ I hate bread.

ꟷ But I love bread! ꟷ you whined. ꟷ I'll buy it anyways. I promise I'll hide it and you won't even know there's bread here.

You got coffee and some pancakes for yourself too, sitting in front of him.

ꟷ Do we have any other rules? ꟷ you asked.

ꟷ No bringing friends over unless to study, not playing loud music, helping cleaning and paying rent on time?

ꟷ Sure, I can do that.

At first, it seemed like you were opposites. You were chatty, while he wanted to be alone most of the times. If there was some comedy show on TV you wanted to watch, he'd rather watch a documentary. If you cried watching a movie, he'd roll his eyes. But as the next few weeks went by, it became easier to deal with each other. Actually, it became quite fun. You were able to see how he really was, and he started to trust you enough.

In front of people, he was the quiet and not very friendly Law, but with you, he talked more, and found things in common with you. When you caught a cold because you went to the store while it was raining, he tried to help with the things he already learnt at college. He even started smiling! He smiled!

It was the first day back to college, so you went walking with him. You went separated ways during the day, since you two had different subjects. He was studying to be a doctor, and you were studying (D/N).

ꟷ So, I see you became friends with him already? ꟷ Nami asked, sitting next to you in class, with Vivi next to her. ꟷ How is it going?

ꟷ Actually he's pretty nice! ꟷ you answered happily. ꟷ We're getting along well, which is something I never expected to happen. Can you believe he doesn't like bread?

ꟷ Hmm... ꟷ the peach haired girl said, in a suggestive tone. ꟷ You seem excited talking about Dr. Heart Stealer.

ꟷ Of course, he's my friend.

ꟷ Friends who are pretending to be a couple. Don't you think it can turn into something more than just friendship? ꟷ the blue haired girl got in the conversation as well.

ꟷ You know what I think? I think you're watching way too much teenage movies and reading too much romance.

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