3 | Emails

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This morning was just like every other as I head down to greet my mom, except my dad was actually down here for once, he's never here in the mornings

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This morning was just like every other as I head down to greet my mom, except my dad was actually down here for once, he's never here in the mornings.

"Hey Mel" he greets me, not looking up from his phone and taking another sip of his coffee.

"Hey dad, why are you here this morning?" My tone coming off a bit harsher than I expected. "Why does it matter?" he asks with the same tone. I shrug and make myself some toast, still confused as to why he's here.

We don't really have the best relationship, we never did. 

"So, how's softball been going?" he attempts at a normal conversation, of course softball being the main subject. I love that I have a dad who I still have the opportunity to talk to, it'd just be nice for it to be about something else for once.

"It's only been a day, Dad. We did what we always do, rules, gear, guidelines, expectations for the season. Freshman haven't started tryouts yet though. " I respond in hopes the conversation will be over sooner rather than later.

"And I'm going to assume you will be chosen for captain this year?" He asks. Something my dad gives more shits about than I ever will. Who cares about the label? I've been the leader of this team for the past 3 years without being voted a captain. All I do is set an example for the girls in hoping they'll do their best in every opportunity their given. Being captain just means you plan dumb dinner shit, boss people around, and choose where you eat before games, it wasn't anything special.

"You know I'll do my best dad," hoping to please him with my response.

"I just want you to have the perfect chance to get a scholarship to your school of choice, you need to have options Mel." He sternly says back to me. This was one of the main reasons I didn't have a good relationship with my dad. He puts so much pressure on me, and I all I wanted was praise. I worked so hard for softball, I put my entire heart and soul into this sport, and yet all he did was remind me over and over again of the same end goal. He knows I want to play in college, and he still thinks I don't work hard enough. 

"I know dad, don't worry. You know I will perform this year just like I have the past 3 years. Who else would they choose for captain besides me anyways?" My answer was finally satisfactory enough for him. He nods his head at me before returning back to his phone to look at some news article on a softball journalist website.

The man is more obsessed with softball than I am.

My mom hasn't come downstairs yet which is so weird, she's always down here with me before the day starts. It's always just been my mom and I in the mornings, my dad always gone before either of us get downstairs. I don't feel like talking to my dad again so early in the morning, so I just brush it off and tell myself I'll see her when I get home. I gather my things up, saying goodbye to my dad and heading off to my car.

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