"No, it's not." Suga's hands were suddenly cradling her face, his grin so bright it seemed to light up the room. "I'm so proud of you, Machi. For choosing what you want, for taking care of yourself." It might have taken longer than he had hoped, and involved a lot more blood, sweat, and tears than he thought necessary, but she was finally seeing sense. And he couldn't stop smiling.

Machi didn't realize how much she needed to hear those words until they were out in the open. He was proud of her. Of her. For absolutely nothing; no awards, no medals, just for being herself and making a tough decision. It was a new sensation for sure, and made her want to cry and laugh at the same time.

Hiccuping, Machi's thumb tried to brush away the happy tears that had formed in the corner of his eyes, but they couldn't seem to stop and soon spilled over and ran down the sides of his face. She had made him cry. "I'm sorry, Suga. I know you tried to tell me before and I was too stubborn—"

"That is an understatement," Suga gave a watery laugh, "But it's ok. You figured it out in the end. I'm not upset, honest." Overwhelmed with his own joy, Suga did the only thing that made sense in the moment and captured her lips with his in an eager and passionate kiss. Melting into his arms, Machi didn't hesitate to reciprocate. His lips tasted faintly of the salt from his tears, but she quickly kissed it away. Lost in each other's presence, their mouths moved together in perfect harmony, gradually deepening until he parted her lips to allow their tongues to dance in unison. For the briefest of moments, the world was forgotten, it's worries along with it. Without breaking their embrace, he ran a hand through her hair, along her waist, down the small of her back, tracing a gentle path that still left a trail of goosebumps in their wake. Heart aching for him, she pulled at his collar, drawing him closer until his chest was pressed firmly against hers, and she dug her nails into his back in the need to have him closer, closer...

"Oh, I am blinded! Quick Tadashi, shield your virgin eyes before it's too late!"

Kaido's overly dramatic portrayal of a southern belle snapped the room back to reality, leaving two very red-faced teenagers staring at their newest visitors. His own face glowing a bright crimson, Tadashi kept his gaze fixed to the floor while Suga practically leaped from the bed and Machi hurriedly sat up straighter, brushing a hand through her disheveled hair. "For god's sake, Kaido, what are you doing here?"

"Sorry, sorry, didn't meant to ah, interrupt." He couldn't help the shit-eating grin spreading across his face, "Just thought I'd come see how you were doing. And I have a little present for you. Well, if your cousin and Romeo over there are ok with it." His grin quickly morphed into a grimace as he silently wished for the best, even crossing his fingers discretely.

"Oh? Why do you need our permission?" Suga cleared his throat awkwardly, still smoothing out his shirt collar and trying to steady his breathing without being too obvious.

Kaido ran a nervous hand over the back of his neck, "Yeah, well, you see it's not so much a gift as a peace offering of sorts." He wiggled his arm in a beckoning motion, stepping aside for the conciliatory figure of his best friend, who now stood shyly next to Tadashi, a small bouquet of daffodils clutched tightly in his hands.

"Hey, Machi." Nakagawa tried to smile, but only managed a half of one that looked more painful than happy.


Nakagawa froze, his mouth slightly open as he prepared his well-practiced speech. "W-What?" All of the things he wanted to say were immediately gone from his mind, disappearing with the intensity that Machi now directed towards him.

Only moments ago Machi had been blissfully happy, being held in the arms of her boyfriend, free of the weights that used to hold her in place. It only took one person, a flurry of memories, and suddenly it all returned; the pressure, the anxiety, the anger.

"I said 'no'. I don't want to hear whatever sob story you've crafted."

Eyes round as saucers as he pleaded, Kaido took a tiny step forward, hands raised in surrender, "Please Machi, just hear him out, then we'll go, I promise..."

"I don't wanna hear it." Machi's lip quivered and she felt Suga's hand reach for hers.

"I really am sorry, Machi, I know it won't change anything," Nakagawa's voice cracked with the strain of keeping it together, but seeing her avoid his eyes while her own began to glisten was becoming too much. "I know I can't take back what I said—"

"Just stop it!" Fat, angry tears poured down her face as Machi shouted furiously. "I don't want to deal with this, with you!" She couldn't. Not when all she saw when looking at him was the bruise he left on Suga's face, and all she heard were his jealous insults hurled at her. Machi didn't want to relive it all again, nor could she relive the heartbreak of losing someone she thought was one of her closest friends.

When Kaido and Naka both didn't show any signs of leaving, Machi had had enough. "Fine," She slowly wiggled her way free of the blankets, "if you won't leave, I will." Whether out of pure stubbornness or she simply just forgot, Machi went to place both feet on the floor and a shooting pain stabbed at her knee as she toppled sideways.

Four sets of hands rushed forward, the closest dropping the bouquet in order to catch her before she fell to the floor. "What are you doing?" An exasperated Nakagawa gently straightened up, checking to make sure Machi's  knee brace was still in place. "You seriously hate me that much you were gonna risk more injuries to get away from me?"

"No..." Machi mumbled once more, much softer this time. She grimaced as her knee gave another painful twinge while Nakagawa placed her back on the bed and Suga rushed to reset the pillows. "I don't hate you Nakagawa-San...I just can't deal with you right now..."

Nakagawa crouched down to pick up the daffodils off the floor, brushing at the most crumpled petals, "I know. And I don't blame you. So I'll go. But I just want you to know how sorry I am." Maybe if he said it fast enough he could say what he had to, and Machi wouldn't try another escape. "I was stupid. And jealous, and blind." He turned briefly to stare directly into Machi's eyes, and then at Suga, hoping his sincerity reached them, "I said and did things that are unforgivable, and for that I am truly sorry. I hope in time, I can earn your forgiveness." Not like he would ever deserve it, he knew now how much he had messed up; an aching part of his heart was convinced he was at least partially responsible for Machi's injuries. He'd never expect to be forgiven for it, not when he couldn't forgive himself.

"Thank you Nakagawa-San." Suga broke the uncomfortable silence, his tone not unkind. "I appreciate your honesty, as I'm sure Machi does too, but I think it's time to go."

Sniffling, Nakagawa nodded quickly and placed the wilting flowers on the bed beside her. "I understand. Thank you for hearing me out. I-I hope you'll both be really happy together." He was almost out the door and around the corner when Machi's quiet voice stopped him just a moment longer and he felt a new, hopeful ache in his chest.

"Thanks Naka."

Guarded (Sugawara x OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz