Chapter 16

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He held her hand more often after that. Ever the considerate sap though, Suga was careful not to make Machi uncomfortable or embarrassed, and only reached for her hand when it was just the two of them, which was becoming more often, and definitely never in front of the volleyball team. The last thing he needed right now was Daichi or anyone else asking too many prying questions, especially when neither knew exactly what this new development meant.

Saturdays quickly became a routine for the duo; a grueling workout in the morning, and ice cream or some other snack in the afternoon, which was almost always paid for by Suga, only because he still hadn't won their continued bet. There were a few times when Machi felt bad that he was spending all of his money on her sweet tooth, but instead of offering to pay, she returned the favor by sharing her butter pecan with him, until finally caving and they ended up splitting one bowl.

The first time they were sitting in the now familiar red and white stripped booth of the ice cream parlor and Suga had stretched an arm across the table to clasp her tiny hand in his, Machi had almost snatched hers away reflexively. Not that she didn't like the feeling, but this was different from all the other times he had shown her some sort of affection; this was more direct, and less about comforting, and she was scared how much she craved it. Machi had been uncharacteristically open with Suga lately, even sharing more about her parents and their nasty divorce; things that only Tadashi had known previously. If she wasn't so terrified of the repercussions they both would face if he found out, Machi would have gladly given in to her feelings after their cuddle session in the gym, because it was definitely becoming more difficult to pretend those feelings weren't there. But Machi knew what would happen if she did, and it wouldn't be pretty.

So when she felt his calloused fingers snake around hers, Machi had every intention of pulling away. But then she glanced up at him, and as soon as their eyes locked it was as if all the fears she kept hidden melted away entirely. There was just something about the boy that made Machi feel safe, like she really could share all of her deepest held secrets and never feel the biting snap of judgement. And then his eyes softened and nothing else mattered except squeezing his hand in return and savoring the way-too-adorable lopsided grin that now adorned his face.

It wasn't a monumental victory in any sense really, holding hands, but it sure felt like it for Suga. He thought for sure Machi was going to refuse and pull away, so when she not only allowed it, but returned the slight pressure, it damn well felt like he had just won the lottery. The moment wasn't planned; they were talking about their favorite books and Machi was describing the plot of Emma to him, her eyes glowing so brightly that she seemed to radiate an aura that warmed the entire space around them. Basking in her sunlight, his next move was entirely natural as his hand found hers and held on tightly, as if trying to catch the sun's rays. There had been a few seconds when Suga felt the muscles in her arm tense and he knew she was contemplating what to do next. Relief washed over him in waves though when Machi kept their hands entwined and then interlaced her fingers with his, the smallest hint of a blush dusting her face.

Her hand was warm, just like her smiles, and covered in callouses, just like his. A testament to the sports they both played. The longer they sat in that tiny corner of their universe, the harder Suga found it to keep from blurting out his true feelings. Everything about her drew him in like a magnet; her competitive spirit, that snarky attitude and quick wit that would melt away into a sweet sincerity when around people she cared about. He even liked the way she always wore her hair in a ponytail, a gentle curl present in the chocolate brown tresses, and the way her whole face seemed to light up when talking about something she loved. The more he was around her, the more Suga found to admire. And with her positive reactions to his subtle advances as of late, it seemed like she clearly felt the same. Yet it was that tiny hesitation that lingered behind her eyes that made Suga think that even if he did work up the courage to confess, it might not be as happily accepted. At least not yet. He'd have to plan something soon though, because she was growing cuter by the second.

Guarded (Sugawara x OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora