Chapter 32

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                                                Arborvitae:Unchanging Friendship
Zoe's POV

Levi and I were going upstairs, heading towards Harley and Jacob's apartment. We had decided to break the news that Levi was going on tour. I mean, Jacob probably already knew, but we had to tell Harley. I was sure that she would freak out, and continuously worry about me, but I didn't want her to. 

I did know that I would most probably be a mess for a minimum of a few days after Levi left, but I didn't want anyone to worry about me. As we reached their apartment, Levi was about to enter with the key that I had given him, but after a quick thought popped into my head, I stopped him.

"Wait! Who knows what they're doing in there. We need to knock. Or ring the bell.", I whisper-shouted, completely grossed out at my thoughts. But they could most definitely come to life.

Levi smirked, and said, "I would very much enjoy doing that with you. But, of course, I need to wait till you're ready."

A blush bloomed across my cheeks, and Levi threw his head back, laughing. I quickly cleared my throat, looking away, and rang the door bell, praying that we wouldn't have to encounter Harley and Jacob in the middle of making out or something. Soon, the door opened, and a confused Harley looked at me.

"Why didn't you just come in? I can see that you have the keys." Her voice rang out across the hallway.

I opened my mouth, trying to explain, but before I could, Levi said, "Zoe didn't want to walk in on the two of you in bed. Or making out."

My eyes widened, and I elbowed him, shocked by the way he had said that. This time, both of them chuckled. Okay, this was just bullying now! 

I walked inside the room, a pout on my face. Jacob jumped up from the couch, where he was eating French fries. Seriously, how did he always have some food with him? He walked towards me.

Looking at my pout, he quickly hugged me, and said, "Why are you sad? Did one of these idiots do something?"

I saw Levi rolling his eyes, and could hear Harley sigh exasperatedly. I shook my head, telling him the story. Like I had expected, he also started laughing, making the situation ten times more embarrassing for me. What did these people want from me? Soon, Jacob's laughing fit was finished, and we had all walked over to the couch, Levi grabbing a few of the French fries in the bowl, and starting to munch on them.

Seriously? He was supposed to tell them the news! None of us wanted to see the most definitely disgusting, mushy potatoes in his mouth. He swallowed, sat up, and turned towards Jacob and Harley, who were looking at the two of us with questioning looks.

He took a deep breath, and said, "I'm going on tour. In a few weeks. Just thought that I should tell you."

Jacob sat back again, stuffing an entire handful of fries in his mouth. However, Harley's reaction was completely different. In a matter of seconds, her expression changed from curious to confused to surprised to worried. Worried when she looked at me.

"And Zoe? What about her?", she murmured.

Levi's eyes bore into my face, but not in an angry way, as he said, "It was her decision. Don't worry, we'll be fine."

Levi continued to look at me, as if expecting some sort of reaction. Obviously, I felt sad, but I didn't burst out into tears. I wasn't that much of a cry baby. For two minutes, Levi and Harley continuously watched me as I twisted my fingers together, untucking my hair so that I could hide behind it. 

I felt so uncomfortable. Thankfully, it seemed that Harley had noticed, because she had soon cleared her throat, and snapped everyone's attention away from me.

As she got up from the couch, she said, "Well, since you're going, we should spend this night having fun. How about we all play a game. Ludo?" Before we could answer, she nodded her head, and said, "Ludo it is!"

I was grateful. She hadn't made a big deal out of things, and had clearly gauged my internal emotions. As she looked back at me with worry in her eyes, I could tell that she had. I smiled reassuringly, but she just looked even more worried. I looked down, not wanting to show just how affected I was by Levi's very closely approaching departure.

Everything that they were thinking was true. Inside, I was broken. I wanted kick and scream, holding onto Levi like a child. I wanted to be selfish, and use the help that we would provide each other. I wanted to believe that we would be okay without therapy, or any treatment. That we would be okay with each other, and needed nothing else.

But it wasn't true. Everything I wanted could never be true, and I wanted the best for each of us. I wanted all of us to live happy lives, and move on from our pasts. All of us had been through something. Whether that was big, or small, it didn't matter. 

As long as we moved on, everything would be okay. As long as we accepted our horrific pasts, we would be okay. As long as Levi and I were together and happy in the end, we would be okay.

It was so hard. As the days passed, I could feel my heart continuously breaking, little by little, knowing about the inevitable goodbye the two of us would soon have to say to each other. But I wanted to enjoy the time that we had together. 

The limited time that seemed like a blink of an eye was something that I wanted the two of us to keep with us for the next year, awaiting our next meeting. All of us would be happy. Jacob, Harley, Levi and I. The four of would be happy. And our friendship would remain unchanged.

At least that's what I hoped.

Finished! Woohooo! Double update! XD To all of the people who have shown concern, thank you so much! But please don't worry. Everything will soon be fine! Make sure to let me know if you liked it, and if I should change anything. Also, please vote and share. It would mean a lot! Love you guys! Peace out!

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