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  a/n: just so there's no confusion, there's a time jump of about three months. The last chapter ended on January 1st and it's now March.

Rosé rolled over in bed to face Mik, who was snoring loudly. She sat up and looked at her alarm clock, seeing that it was 7:15. She jumped up quickly, and shook Mik's shoulder.

"I must have forgot to set an alarm, we're gonna be late." Mik groaned before getting out of bed. 

"Thanks for letting me crash last night, and sorry for keeping you up late. I underestimated how much caffeine was in those dollar store energy drinks." Mik yawned loudly. Rosé chuckled as she rubbed her eyes.

"Don't worry about it, I probably would have been up late anyway. Do you need clothes?" Mik nodded, and asked for a t-shirt. Rosé pulled one out of her closet and threw it towards Mik, forgetting that she had terrible aim. Instead of landing in Mik's arms, it collided with the picture on her nightstand, and knocked it over. Mik laughed at Rosé as she picked up the picture of Rosé and Denali and put it back on the nightstand.

"How long have you two been dating now? Like four months or something right?"

"Yeah, almost" "I can't believe it's already March." "I know we only have a little bit of Junior year left, it's crazy." Both Rosé and Mik jumped as someone knocked on Rosé's door.

"Are you two awake?" Lagoona asked as she poked her head in the room. "Hurry up we need to leave in 10 minutes." Rosé gave her a thumbs up before leaving to brush her teeth, and put on some eyeliner. Mik decided not to do any makeup today, and opted to drink another dollar store energy drink instead of coffee. "What we know they work," She pointed out upon noticing the questioning look on Rosé's face.

"Where's Jan?" Lagoona grumbled, climbing up the stairs again to hurry Jan along. When Jan came downstairs, she was looking a little flustered and slightly embarrassed.

"You'll never guess who I found sneaking out of her room this morning," Lagoona said to Rosé who turned to face Jan. "Not again Jan, we talked about this."

"I know but Jackie just needed someone to talk to, she was upset." Jan gushed, "You would have done the same for your friends."

"I've never made out with my friends- shut up Mik, you don't count," Rosé said, talking over Mik who had began coughing and laughing. "Like I was saying, I've never made out with my friends and then ditched them in public. Jackie's using you." Jan bit her lip but didn't say anything else, she just grabbed her backpack and walked towards the door. Lagoona sighed before facing Rosé, "she'll never learn, will she?" "Well maybe Jackie's changed, I mean coming out is scary" Mik suggested but noticing the looks on Rosé's and Lagoona's faces, she decided to shut up. Rosé realized that Mik may have had a point, but she was deeply protective of Jan, so in her opinion it didn't matter. Jackie had already hurt Jan, and that was an out for Rosé.

After a completely silent car ride to school, Jan stalked off without a word to either Rosé or Lagoona. "She's pissed," Mik pointed out. Both Rosé and Lagoona turned to face her. "We can tell. But she can't keep doing this to herself with Jackie." Mik just shrugged, before linking arms with Rosé. "Are you coming, I bet Denali's waiting," Mik teased. Rosé rolled her eyes before saying bye to Lagoona. "She's literally my girlfriend, when will the teasing stop?" "Never"

The atmosphere in front of the lockers where the group hung out had been more comfortable recently. Ever since Gigi had come out, and been able to admit to herself that she wasn't in fact straight, things had relaxed a little bit. She and Crystal could now co exist and be friendly again. Rosé doubted that the two would ever be as close as they once were though. When Rosé and Mik made it over to the group, Rosé wrapped an arm around Denali and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. She loved how she still managed to make Denali blush, even though they had been together for a few months now.

Losing Game -RosenaliHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin