alcohol and truth or dare don't mix

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  Rosé was kind of a bitch and she owned it. She was pretty, she was popular, and she had a lot of friends. On Friday morning, she got out of bed, curled her blonde hair, and then looked in her closet for a cute outfit. She settled on a black, cropped shirt and a pink plaid skirt. She threw the outfit on and walked downstairs. Her sisters Jan and Lagoona were already sitting at the kitchen counter. Lagoona was the oldest, and a senior. Rosé was the middle child and a junior, and Jan was the youngest and a sophomore. The girls had always been very close due to how close they were in age.

  "Morning!" Jan called over to Rosé, she was a morning person, Rosé, however, was not. She responded with a nod while walking over to the coffee pot and pouring herself a cup. After she was sufficiently caffeinated and Lagoona and Jan had finished eating, the girls headed out side.

  "Shotgun!" Rosé called, making Jan groan and Lagoona chuckle. The girls arrived at school early, said their goodbyes, and went to go hang out with their friends. Normally Rosé was the earliest, but today she saw that Symone was already in front of her locker. 

  "Hey bitch," Symone said.

  "Good morning to you too, whore," Rosé joked. A guy walking by gave them a weird look, no doubt concerned about the profanities he has heard them use seconds before. Rosé flipped him off while Symone giggled.

  "Oh my lord, you are such a bitch," She said.

  "I know," Rosé responded proudly. She knew many people would hate to be known as the mean, snarky one but she appreciated it. If everyone was afraid of her, no one could hurt her, right?

"Anyway," Symone said "my party tonight, you'll be there right?"

"I wouldn't miss it," Rosé responded with a wink.

"Perfect, also do you wanna stay over after? I'm assuming you don't want to go home to your parents drunk."

"I definitely don't want that," Rosé replied. " I'd love to stay after and watch you clean up," she joked. Symone laughed and rolled her eyes. Eventually more, and more of Rosé's group showed up until they were all in front her locker. Eventually it was time to head to first period.

  "Come on Mik, let's head out," Rose said to the girl with black hair across from her. Mik and Rosé had been best friends since before they could talk but lately, Rosé could sense that something was off between them. Mik nodded and followed her without saying a word as they walked towards first period together.

  "Okay, what's up?" Rosé asked as soon as they were out of earshot from the rest of the group. "You're being weird." Without warning Mik grabbed Rosé's arm and shuffled her to the nearest bathroom. She frantically started checking underneath the stalls to make sure no one else was in there before locking the door. 

  "About last weekend-" Mik started

"Don't even worry about it," Rosé cut her off "It was a small make out session, we were drunk, it didn't mean anything." Mik immediately relaxed.

  "Good because no one in the group knows that I'm Pan," she sighed "and I know you're already out but I've only come out to you and Kandy so please don't tell anyone." She added.

  "I promise I won't tell anyone, but can we please get to class on time today?"

  "Yeah of course," Mik blushed "sorry that I've been so distant this week, I should have just come to you."

  "Don't worry about it," Rosé responded smiling. But deep down Rosé wasn't smiling. She knew she shouldn't be jealous of Kandy and Mik's friendship but she was. She wanted to be Mik's only best friend and she hated sharing. Rosé opened up the bathroom door and she was so lost in thought that she collided with a short brunette.

Losing Game -RosenaliWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt