"I'll see you tomorrow," he said with a calming smile as he walked out with a half eaten chocolate frog.

I head back to the common room and see Draco sitting on the sofa with Crabbe and Goyle sitting either side of him. Pansy and Blaise stood behind him. They all watched me enter and all had the same evil look on their faces. "What do you want Malfoy?" I said while rolling my eyes. I could tell there was going to be some trouble between Malfoy and I. "We don't want you hanging out with those Gryffindorks." They all nodded in agreement with Malfoy. "So you're my dad now? Controlling who I can and can't hang out with?" I asked. He began to smirk and once again looked me up and down. "Oh don't you worry, you'll be calling me daddy in no time." Pansy rolled her eyes while I did the same. "Night Malfoy'' I said and headed to bed. It didn't take long to pass out. What could I expect? The first day was long and eventful.


I've rolled over and realised that the sun was up already. Thankfully classes don't start till tomorrow giving me time to meet with Harry, Hermione and Ron. I don't care what Draco says, he doesn't own me. I started to head to the astronomy tower.

I grabbed some air while I waited for Ron and the others.

It didn't take them long to arrive. Hermione was sweet and hugged me straight away. Harry was a gentleman who held out his hand which I shook.

"Y/n right?" Hermione asked and I nodded.

"Ron told us great things about you, about how you stood up to Malfoy last night in the kitchen." She smiled.

"Thank you for looking out for Ron," Harry said.

I nodded to them both and smiled. They were great people. I had no reason to hate them, why would Malfoy?

"What would you like to do?" Hermione asked.

"Erm, what do you guys usually do?" I asked.

Both Ron and Harry answered "study" at the same time.

"Hermione has the brains and gives us a hand with studying," Harry said.

My face changed and I knew for definite I didn't want to study. Reading was my weak spot and I couldn't read in front of them.

"Maybe do something fun?" I asked.

Ron's face grew a big smile, "we haven't done anything fun in a long time" he replied.

"Hogsmeade?" Harry answered.

We all nodded and headed to hogsmeade.

We arrived at Hogsmeade and started walking around. Of course Malfoy had to be here too. I wasn't afraid of him seeing me with Ron, Harry and Hermione but I pushed them away for their sake. Malfoy didn't notice me thank Merlin and he carried on with his own thing. The three came out. We couldn't decide on what to do.

"Then let's go study," Hermione said.

"No, we do that all the time". Harry replied.

The two kept on arguing about what to do while Ron and I stood looking clueless. I suddenly came up with a great idea.

I walked over to Ron and layed my chin on his shoulder and whispered. "What if we hide? They're too busy to notice we had left" he smiled and we both slowly started to walk backwards. Once we got far another we ran and hid behind a wall.

We sat down on the fall with our backs against the wall and laughed. "How long shall we give them?" I asked.

He looked at me and replied "until we hear our names called".

Seductive: part 1&2 x readerWhere stories live. Discover now