The house in itself was terrifying. Jeongguk felt in the lap of luxury sitting on a plush velvet couch. Walls were dark wood and floors lapped with garnish. The curtains were thicker, and a well-lit fireplace lured Jeongguk's eyes to the side. It was no doubt Veronica and her husband, Taehyung, were rather rich. Old money, Jeongguk presumed. Had to be.

"It's a nice house, isn't it?" Rosie whispered, and Jeongguk hummed, looking at her.

"Better than our tiny flat, that's for sure." Jeongguk snickered, feeling his fingers coil up into his palm. Rosie laughed airily in agreement.

"Apologies," A voice entered, and Jeongguk lifted his head up to those vibrations that sent a familiar tingle down his spine. "I've just been buried with work lately." A chuckle followed, and Jeongguk felt his fingers splay out on his thigh, a nervous instinct.

It was the man with the red shirt and golden hair. Of course it was, Jeongguk thought. Why would it not be? Oh- of course, it was the man with the golden hair. Jeongguk's mouth went dry upon seeing him. Something about the way he smiled at Jeongguk with this unreadable gaze.

Jeongguk hated that. Hated when he couldn't tell what someone was thinking. Except for this time, he didn't. It was rather alluring, actually.

"I'm Taehyung." He said and then smiled at Rosie. "Ah- Rosie! I remember you-"

"From your marriage ceremony! Oh, I was hoping you did! It's so nice to meet you," Rosie giggled, and it was almost embarrassing how bubbly she was. Jeongguk felt the need to be quiet around Taehyung. Felt the need to impress, the need to look proper.

Taehyung just smiled at Rosie, who grabbed Jeongguk's hand in a haste. "This- this is Jeongguk. We got married this summer, actually." Rosie said excitedly, and Jeongguk looked up at the man.

Taehyung looked at Jeongguk, and they held their stare for a few seconds, and Taehyung nodded, smiling softly. "Nice to meet you," Taehyung said, voice almost cautiously tender.

"You too," Jeongguk replied quickly, and then internally cursed himself for sounding as far off as he did.

"Ah, you've made acquaintances. You know, it'd be really nice if the two of you bonded a little. Rosie's moved into town now, you can guarantee I'll be going out more." Veronica laughed, and Rosie looked at Veronica, cheeks tinting in confusion.

"I-I won't be going out much, Veronica-"

"Oh Rosie, I'm joking. They're only men, they'll understand. Now come help with dinner, let's leave the men to chat." Veronica said, and Rosie nodded triumphantly and followed behind Veronica. Jeongguk looked and wondered if Rosie was trying to impress Veronica too, maybe, at a subconscious level.

"So. Heard you're going to law school,"

"I am. I'm going to graduate in a year. I work at Edwards Adams now," Jeongguk explained. Taehyung snickered. Jeongguk was confused at that.

"Edwards Adams? That's opposite the street from my firm- what do you do?"

Jeongguk hated when men asked that. "I'm a secretary to Mr. Edwards himself," Jeongguk mumbled, and then waited for that silent seconds of judgment and mockery before the outright outburst of hyper-masculine confusion over why a man would take the job designed for women-

Jeongguk looked up. Taehyung wasn't laughing. He was smiling. "That's nice. Quite respectable, considering how young you probably are," Taehyung said, and Jeongguk finally smiled a little.

"Oh- y-yes, thank you. Most find it rather amusing," Jeongguk said, finding himself playing with his trousers.

"It's not amusing at all! You've got the hardest job there is! I mean, what is it you have to do- get coffee 8 times, and then repeat, and repeat, and-"

𝗦𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗯𝗼𝗱𝘆 𝗧𝗼 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 - TaekookHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin